
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Love Shack!!

Sew-Saturday was a complete Success!

Lisa arrived bright and early about 8:30am and we commenced to setting her up in the basement with her featherweight. She had a couple of gift projects with her, and her sweetie dog Shelby also joined us for the day!

Karen came a long a bit later...and all 3 of us had machines whirring as fast as our mouths were gabbing and laughing!

My main project? A little combination sampler for a class I'm teaching in Stuttgart in February. I pulled blocks, letters, stars, a crumby heart, left over 4 patches, some extra string blocks and Voila! It was together in no time, and I even was able to get it quilted. All that remains to be done is the binding/sleeve and I think I'll leave that for tomorrow :c)

I've thought of calling it LOVE SHACK, but I don't know how that will go over in Germany ((remember the song from the 80s?!? Loved that song!!)) so the name for this class is still up in the air.

But it did turn out cute, yeah?? :cD

After I got this one quilted, Karen's quilt for her brother was ready to put in the machine, and we got it under way. 2.5 hours later...DONE! Sometimes you just gotta love a cute and scrappy simple utility quilt that will be loved on the couch by its intended recipient. And we used a very bright neon green thread to quilt it with! Awesome!

While that was in the machine, I was back to piecing pineapples. Only 2 of those got done, but 2 is better than none.

As for the Nonsense blocks, I'm so happy you like them! I think they will be adorable. I haven't had time to play with them, and I'm really not up to writing directions for that when I am still writing directions for the mystery and giving that to you as well.

I will tell you that it is a traditional block, the name IS Nonsense, and if you have block base or Barbara Brackman's encyclopedia of blocks, it is readily available there.

Sometimes it is really difficult to want to post something that I just started because before I can even make headway on it, people are begging for the pattern >_<

I'd really like the joy of finishing a project before I am whammied by people begging for the pattern, instructions or cutting measurements. If it's a traditional pattern, I'll gladly tell you where you can find it, but it is up to you to size it to where you need it to be, okay? I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed between the mystery questions (btw, 120 matched pairs of half square triangles will give you 120 half square triangle squares when they are sewn) and the requests for this block when I've barely begun to play with it!

And I am also feeling overwhelmed because Oscar had to go to the vet today and is still there. He has an infectious pleurisy type illness. He was lethargic, has lost a lot of weight, his breathing is labored, and they had to drain off the fluid from his lungs today...he is on mega antibiotics to hopefully kill the infection, but we don't know. We just don't know if he will be able to return home to us, or if we will have to make the choice of putting him down if he doesn't improve.

Oscar has been the best cat I've ever had...He's not quite 10. He should have half of his life left to live, and he is hanging on to what little he's got right now. So please send purry thoughts for Oscar to respond to meds and come home where he belongs.

I want to share things on this blog...I want you to see what I'm working on. But I can't supply the pattern for everything.....can't I just sew for a while first please? Can't I make something.....see how it comes out? My only other option would be to share nothing, until it is completely done and then only put finished items out there. What fun is that?


Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Bonnie I know how important your cat is to you and I will pray forhis recovery. Yes Just sew! If people dont understand that your life is not answering their questions, well...they can just go get a new one. Enjoy yourself!

Unknown said...

Just being able to see the blocks you are playing with is a treat! Thanks for sharing.
jane m.

gag7949 said...

Big hugs to you, Bonnie, and to Oscar, and prayers for his recovery.


Kasey said...

Just sew it! Those people are the trolls!
My thoughts are with you and Oscar... I have dog babies, and if they were sick I'd be a wreck. Pets are family! Let's hope he comes home and has many more years of admiring your quilts... he never asks for block directions, either!
All the Best,

Anonymous said...

Love Shack will be fine, when are you in Germany? I am planing to go over next year too?

Anonymous said...

Forgot, we used to listen to that song in Germany all the time in the 80's


PNW Kimberly said...

Sorry! No pressure intended! Please continue to share! In the meantime purry prayers for Oscar and his pets!

Marj said...

I am happy just seeing what you are up to. Most of the blocks that you do are old ones that exist somewhere. People should learn to be patient or do their own homework.
I am sending healing thoughts for Oscar. I know what it is like to have a pet that does not get the chance to live a full life.It's very hard, I hope Oscar is able to regain his health.

Val said...

I love the name the love shack. We have a house for sale that we call that. Don't ask me why. I have no idea. I guess because it is so cute. I hope that your kitty gets better soon.

Phyllis said...

Have just recently found your blog, and I love it. Just share what you wish...your blog.

Hope your cat is better soon.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Sew away, Bonnie. I won't be one of those begging for the pattern. I can't keep up with what you have already provided. Just give yourself permission to ignore the pushy ones.

I understand how you feel about Oscar& I hope with all my heart that he recovers & can go back home to his family. My son lost his chocolate lab to cancer the first week in Oct. She wasn't quite 8 and should have had quite a few more years. We all miss her so much, she was just the BEST dog.

Kate said...

Hi - LOVE your enthusiasm - I guess it's so contagious people just want to jump right up there on the bandwagon with you :-)
You are so v v generous - it's because of people like you that I started my own blog 18 months ago so as to give a little back to the blogging community.
For every one of those clamouring for your time/attention there are heaps more of us who delight in anything you are willing to share. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Oh goodness, Bonnie, I hope and pray for dear Oscar's swift recovery. I hate so much when our babies are ill; alway feel helpless.
You go on and sew, I love seeing snippets of your quilts and always happy to see the end results!!! You make such beautiful quilts (designs) ALL WORTH THE WAIT! grin..

Leeann said...

Hope Oscar is well soon. My cat is called Oscar too and he is a darling, would hate to be without him.
Re patterns etc It always surprises me people ask for patterns I think why don't they just draw it up themselves? I suppose I was lucky that the quilter who taught me actually showed me how to use graph paper & make templates. I don't do it this way now, but because I know how to do it 'the old way', I am able to work it out & draw my own patterns.

quiltygal said...

Love Shack ..Love it (name & song)...hugs & prayers for Oscar its always awful when the furry ones are ill...& yes just sew!! you give us soooo much already people need to sort things out themselves I love that little block but its not going to be that hard to work it out myself!!

Leeanne said...

I remember that song!
what about...'The House that Love built'...like the house that Jack built?

Becky said...

As one of the people that asked for the instructions for the block I totally understand if you are too busy or just plain don't want to give directions for it. You are very generous with all the patterns and everything on your blog and I am grateful for whatever you wish to share. Yours was the first blog that I ever read and I would hate for you to feel overwhelmed and not want to keep sharing with everyone. Thanks again for all the scrappy inspiration!

Amy said...

Love Love Shack! You should call it that for sure. Sorry you are feeling overwhelmed with blog readers requests--you are so generous with all your free patterns and the mystery instructions. I'm so excited to be doing Roll, Roll Cotton Boll--I haven't done a mystery quilt for years and I'm having fun with this one. Good thoughts for Oscar...hope he will be home soon. Our fur kids are precious. Looking forward to seeing you in San Diego in January!

bingo~bonnie said...

what about naming the little quilt "Love will always bring you home" or "Home is where love begins"

Thinking of you and Oscar ;) Love from KY! ~bonnie

Quiet Quilter said...

Hoping that Oscar will be okay. It is so hard to keep your mind on other things that need to be done when you are concerned about a loved one....

Keep doin' what you are doin' and show us your steps toward a finished project, quilting or otherwise.

Take care...

Louise said...

My eyes teared up as you wrote about Oscar. I consider my cats to be my kids. I hope the vet can make him better.
You are so generous with your time & ideas...you deserve the time just to play & sew!

Cathie in UT said...

Much fuzzy prayers and thought for your Oscar and thank you so much for your willingness to share so generously.
You and your quilts are a wonderful inspiration to anyone who loves scraps and the chance to break a few rule along the way!

Kristina @ withaKquilting said...

sounds like you had a fabulous day of quilting! good for you. your piecing style is definitely unique. i mean that in the best possible way! i love the way you think!

i certainly hope Oscar heals up and can return home.

Lori said...

I've been MIA for a while but Oscar has brought me out of the woodwork!!! Yellow Lab Sundance and I are both hoping Oscar will be up to his old tricks soon!!!

As for the patterns for everything you sew...no,no,no. I love to just see your in progress pics and hear about your travels and sew days, etc. I can figure out a traditional pattern pretty well on my own so don't sweat it. For those who aren't able to figure it out, enjoy the pics, be patient and maybe work on any of the literally dozens of patterns that are on Bonnie's blog and site!!

No worries, Bonnie!!!

Lori in VA

deborah said...

prayers going out for Oscar and you! Love Shack is adorable...perfect name- and I'd never ask for a pattern. I do enjoy seeing what you are working on and am thrilled you like to share your work.

Lynn W. said...

Our fur babies are important to us -- we totally understand that. So sending get well wishes to Oscar from AnnieBelle and Miss Rita. Love your Love Shack! Thanks for sharing with your fans.

Beth said...

Sew Bonnie sew! You are incredible and extremely generous. I love seeing all your quilts and reading about your adventures.
Furry thoughts to adorable Oscar and hopes that he is well and back home in no time. :)

Kathy said...

Brownie, Frisky, Oliver, and Quint all send their kitty love to Oscar and hope he gets well soon. Me and the kids send our human love too.

Get well Oscar!!!

Mary said...

Keep on sewing and Posting. Most all of the patterns are in public domain so it is very easy to find them online. Hope your Oscar feels better soon.

Cathi said...

Oh, how I hope Oscar responds to the antibiotics and is back home with you soon! It's so frightening when they're ill, let along ill and at the vet's! Just sew and enjoy the process and the fun of sharing.

Alice said...

Even without block-base, there is also graph paper and a ruler......don't feel that you have to do everything for everybody.

Cheryl said...

Me and my fur babies are sending healing thoughts to Oscar. Poor boy, it's sooooo hard when they're sick.

cityquilter grace said...

the way i see it, whatever you feel you can share is ok with me, i appreciate your willingness to share patterns/photos/instructions etc.

Sue Daurio said...

RRCB is the first mystery that I've ever done. And I'm doing because I LOVE the things you share!! I'm not asking for anything except Friday to get here a little faster ;)

Please don't stop sharing, what you share in the mystery quilts for all of us to enjoy is certainly plenty. You DO share so much with so many people. And we do appreciate it greatly.

As for the class how can you do anything other than love shack? That is awesome!

Hope your cat gets better soon.

Agnes said...

Sew, sew. sew. Sewing and quilting is about being creative and making it your own. I use blogs like yours for inspiration. I'm following and saving the mystery for another time.

JudyCinNC said...

Sending lots of healing thoughts for Oscar. Love our little furry people. Thank you Bonnie for your very loving and giving spirit. You do enrich our lives.

Carole said...

When I read Stuttgart I was like "Surely a city named after the German one somewhere in the States"... but no, it really IS Stuttgart in Germany ! It's less than 3 hours away from where I live... Where will you be exactly, and when, and and and... if I can make it I'll gladly come around to participate (it's not like BONNIE is to be found so near in Europe everyday !!). When you have the time, can you please give me more details ? (I will need to plan ahead if it's the case, a friend of mine told me that Stuttgart is a horrible city to drive in and I wouldn't want to go there by car). Not daring to get excited too soon, but OH MAN !!!!
Not forgetting about poor Oscar - I hope he will come back home and enjoy a few many other year with you. Praying for that.

The Speckled Hen said...

Hi Bonnie - I think that 'The house that love built' translates well in German, 'Das Haus, das Liebe gebaut'. I love Miranda Lambert's video and song about how the house she grew up in built her. Like you where you have built your house here growing in the quilting world.

Well wishes for Oscar's speedy recovery. ~ Rie

Chris said...

Bonnie, you inspire me everyday with your postings. Recently, I made the decision to not start anything new until many of my tops were quilted and I had a good handle on the 15 or so projects started, but when I saw your newest mystery, I had to jump in, mainly because I already have so many of those colors and fabrics!! So I am "caught up" and eagerly awaiting Friday. I took your advice and am only making it 1/2 sized. So, I am making half as many as your instructions call for and it is much less stressful for me. I inherited a stash in February and she seemed to collect Thangles, so I whipped up 60 HST last night using that paper and it only took me about 1 1/2 hours!!
Thoughts and prayers are with you and Oscar right now. I know he is your constant companion in your sewing space!

Vicki said...

I just love "Love Shack" I have been wanting to make some houses and this is do-able. Hope Oscar gets better. We lost our cat last summer, 18yrs old. Please keep posting. You are such an inspriation to all of us.

YankeeQuilter said...

We'll hang the rosary beads out the window for Oscar. If you ever need help with directions or posting give a shout...I'd be happy to help!

Tonya Ricucci said...

woohoo on the Love Shack! but oooh noooo about Oscar. I just picked up Pokey and gave her a squeeze. my heart breaks for you. thinking good thoughts for you both.

merrily row said...

My George and I are sending purr-fectly positive thoughts to Oscar and his owner who had the respect for her animals to give them real names. Love that! Healthful thoughts coming from California. Keep us posted.

Jackie said...

Hoping Oscar will soon be home recuperating. Just wanted to say thanks for all your wonderful patterns. Just enjoy your sewing days and have fun playing around with new patterns and ideas. You give us lots to do with the patterns on your website and the new mystery.

Vicki said...

A big hug to you, Bonnie...and many purrs for Oscar for a speedy return to your loving arms. I will be keeping you in my prayers!

The Calico Quilter said...

Bless you, Oscar, get well soon! Best wishes from my Molly the calico cat, who has been our "miracle worker" cat through some tough times. I know how much your Oscar means to you, Bonnie.

Thanks for the current mystery - I love your designs. This one, I'm KEEPING! (Others went for gifts.)

I'm not sure about naming the quilt "Love Shack" unless the class participants are old enough to remember the '80's! It made me smile (hint, hint on how old I am)! How about "Love will lead you home"?

SubeeSews said...

I tried to help you with the "nonsense" block by posting that it is in the BlockBase program. I hoped that some would read that and let you SEW!!!! Yoou have so much on your plate now.
Meowy hugs and prayers for ole' Oscar. He may be missing you while you are gone and the "guys" are not loving on him in your absense.

Jantine said...

Please just keep sharing what you are about, I love to get inspired and seeing you try little blocks just gets me going. And no, don't feel obliged to share each and every pattern, just let people ask and ignore them! Have fun with all you are doing!
I hope Oscar is doing better???

Sherrie said...

Dear Bonnie,
First, big hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery for Oscar! We thought we were going to have to put my daughter's dog down last year right before Christmas; we both sobbed all the way to the vets .. but it turned out OK and I hope Oscar does the same!
Secondly, there are some people who just suck the life's blood out of you. You should feel free to post your process without being harassed to immediately share the pattern. I enjoy hearing about people's process of making their quilts. It's wonderful that so many quilters follow you/admire you/want to be you. But it's really ok to say I'm not ready to share that yet. Or this is just something I'm making for a friend/family that I don't plan on publishing. Your whole life doesn't have to revolve around making something that will be a pattern :) Hang in there!

Nancy said...

I love the name!!! I opened up my I-tunes and turned on the B-52s!

I have three orphan houses and now I know what I want to do with them. Now to 'learn' how to make letters.....


Nancy said...

I'm sorry for asking for the Nonsense pattern Bonnie.... I honestly didn't think that a gazillion people would be asking too. I didn't even think to look for it in my EQ..... you Sew Girl!!!!! I love seeing what you make :o)

crickets said...

Keeping you and your cat in my prayers. We just lost out almost 10 year old cat in October, suddenly and it was devasting. Our cats are a vital member of our family and I so understand. Love what you share when you want to share it. You are awesome!

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