
Sunday, August 29, 2010

When Tongues Waggle...

This is me, taking a minute email break during my weekend supposedly "OFF" the computer! I've been sewing like a mad fiend, and listening to books on MP3 and watching movies on netflix and LOVING the down time.

As I went through my comments it seems there has been lots of speculation over "WHICH" magazine was involved. And it is ALL speculation. I'm professional enough, or try to be, to not drag names of a magazine I am working to create a better relationship with through the wringer. Even in my original rant about crazy contracts, I was careful not to mention the country or the name of the magazine. That still holds true.

And if you guys keep hauling it up and guessing and making comments about this one or that one or the other one from whichever country, it is going to get blown way out of proportion. I don't want this to backfire on me in the process now that we have reached a better level of agreement, okay?

The contract has been re-negotiated. Strides have been made in making this beneficial for everyone, so please just let me rest it right now..I need positive vibes to get this project together and have it there by the first week of November. I'll be cramming on it every spare minute between now and the time I send it off. :c)

Back to the machine!


Marj said...

I'm glad that everything is working for both parties and I hope that your input helps others that come after you. Looking forward to your next book/magazine article.

Becky said...

Here's positive feedback. I was impressed that you were assertive enough to renegotiate the contract. I "assume" magazines aren't usually run by quilters, so the contracts may not match the quilting field. Good luck on finishing the project, and getting paid to let it be shown in a magazine.

J Barham said...

Blessings sent to you to complete the quilt you are working on, on time for it to be mailed. I know you can do it! Love your quilts and your attitude towards quilting!
Joyce B.

stitchinpenny said...

You were indeed careful and professional in your discussion. I hope that the people who are speculating are aware that they could be hurting you as well as the quilt company over something that may just be a cultural difference. All the world does not hold the same concepts.

ana s. said...

I thought it was a good example of negotiation and how we all need the skill.

Mary said...

Keep on stitching and we'll be reading...whether in Quiltmaker or some other magazine.

JudyCinNC said...

Some things just do not need to be discussed and discussed and discussed. Afterall, it is your story to tell. As for me, "I would rather be quilting with Bonnie", than fueling a fire.

Kate said...

Well said Bonnie. At the end of the day a contract is just words on a page. Humans put them there and humans can change them...and that's what's happened. Congratulations on working through it. BTW I now own both your books and LOVE the projects and the way you made the text so chatty and easy to follow and so generously YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

That's the way to go, sending you lots of good sewing vibes.


Avon said...

It is always amazing the power of the word.

cityquilter grace said...

i can't imagine why anyone would even go that route, it's your business and however you choose to work it out, so be it....sheesh....some people...

cityquilter grace said...

i can't imagine why anyone would even go that route, it's your business and however you choose to work it out, so be it....sheesh....some people...

TheaMinPA said...

Hi Bonnie - so glad to hear that you worked out a satisfactory arrangement - happy for BOTH parties!

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