
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Quilts a Quiltin' at the house of Quiltville!

I loaded the top with the "Extreme" border this morning..it's getting quilted today! Or at least as far as I can go today....

Busy busy busy quilt, it's getting a lovely all over design.

I wish I could show you the whole thing, but you are going to have to bear with me with just parts and pieces and small glimpses until the next book is out in Feb!

I got home from DC yesterday evening....lovely drive, just a beautiful day!

I was so tired though, that I was asleep by 10pm...and I slept all the way until 9am this morning! You know, there is a lot to be said about sleeping in your own bed, the window cracked open for a bit of fresh air, two kitties, one on either side, purring away.

It just beats hotel sounds, snoring from the room next door, wall ac/heat units going on and off, the sound of people in the corridor, and all. And the fact that I didn't have to wake up to an alarm this morning made it that much more blissful!

I'm smiling going back over all the fun times we had in class this past week. Some of the students got sneak previews of a couple of the quilts that are coming in the next book, toward the end of class I pulled them out to do some binding...Gotta grab every minute!

My next outing? I leave Thursday for Smith Mountain Lake, VA, for the Virginia Consortium of Quilters! It's going to be a fun weekend of classes by many teachers from all over, I guess it's similar to a State Symposium, and I'm happy to be a part of it! This time I won't be driving up the dreaded I-95, It's more Scenic, up toward Roanoke! Another lovely drive.

I had a friend who used to live in Roanoke (They moved! BOO!)and I have always loved the Blue Ridge mountains up there...just unbelievably gorgeous. If there was one place I could pick to retire and STAY PUT...that would be it!

Back at the machine.....enjoy your Sunday!


julieQ said...

Glad you enjoyed your visit and are home safe...your own bed is the best! Love your border...did you use a zillion 1/2 square triangles?

Catsngrams said...

Such a lovely quilt can't wait to see the rest. You are a very buy person. Take care on your trip.

rcp said...

You will be close where I grew up! I wish I could join you! Take care!

bingo~bonnie said...

you just don't know HOW LUCKY YOU ARE to get to go to bed and just sleep until what ever time you wake up. I've not had that privilege in forevah (since my BC life "before children" anyway) ;) so I'm happy for friends who can!

oh and will you perhaps pack this super border quilt into the trunk show so we can have a preview of what's to be in the next book??? I sure hope so! It would be a great surprise in August when you're in Beaumont, TX. ;)

****which by the way, I got to go to a guild meeting!!! and joined and signed up for your Sat. workshop!!! eeek! I blogged about being a "lucky lizard" LOL

Love from Texas!

Beth said...

Glad you are home and catching sme sleep. That border looks great. Can't wait to see the whole quilt!

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