
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pineapples A Plenty!

The second day of VCQ was Pineapple Blossom Day!

I was blessed to have some students BOTH DAYS, and it amazes me when someone is so willing not only to start two UFOs in the same weekend, but to take them with the same teacher. I'm honored....you guys were so great!

Pineapple Blossom Class VCQ 2010
I uploaded a little slideshow on webshots..I tried not to do this two days in a row, but yesterday's pics took forever to post, and since Pineapple Blossom class had MORE pics...it's another slide show. If you can't view it in your reader, you might need to click to webshots to view them!

And I love how webshots decides HOW the pics are going to look in the slide show....they cut off Susan Smith's head! *LOL* And since Susan has the most adorable "frozen smile for the public when posing" (We laugh about this every time I see her) I am posting her again so you can see just how great she is! She actually FINISHED her pineapple blossom top IN CLASS..sashings and all. Power girl! uhhuh! Proud to call you friend! (Keep my room ready, kay? ;c) )


Beth said...

That block is amazing! I loveall the colors and variety in everyone's blocks.
sigh... gonna have to make one of those. My list keeps getting longer.

Nancy said...

So is the VCQ only for Virginians or can anyone join/attend? It looks like such fun!

Louise said...

Great blocks! That's the kind of pattern that makes any scrap look good. Louise

Pauline said...

wow, those blocks look great!!I LOVE it! Sure looks like you guys had fun...mind you cant believe someone would want to start 2 UFOs in one weekend...oh wait..thats what I did last weekend..OOPS!
Have fun all

omashee aka Barb said...

Oh my Bonnie! I've admired your designs but this Pineapple is to die for! I want to take this class! Is this one in one of your books? Both are on my wishlist but I'd make the Pineapple a priority. Drooling...

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