
Friday, April 23, 2010

More on the 2" strip over-abundance..

Several have emailed on the availability of the pattern I was posting for my 2" strip reduction. It's a current block pattern running in Quiltmaker Magazine. You should be able to find it on your news stands.....

You can also find out more about it HERE!

It's a great issue with lots of neat stuff in it. I still believe dollar for dollar that magazines are the best pattern resource going!

Besides, if you can find it at your grocery store it becomes part of the grocery budget and there is no paper trail..LOL!!

I'm not doing this as a special project like a Quiltville Mystery...it's just an idea for blocks that we can build as leaders & enders on the side of other things..there is no time frame, there is no set number of blocks, this is a work at your own pace and make a dent into something you've already got cut to size :c)


Catsngrams said...

Thanks for the insight on the magazine. Your the best.

Mary said...

Yep, I recognized the pattern as soon as I saw it in the Quiltmaker Magazine I bought last night. Had to go to my local Rite Aid to buy it here. The JoAnn's didn't have it. Great idea for a Leader/Ender. My abundance of 2" strips isn't as big as yours though. I'll have to go through and make some strips from the all the random scraps I haven't dealt with, in my spare time, of course.

Jacqui's Quilts said...

That's EXACTLY my sentiment on buying magazines at the grocery store LOL. That's why I have so many magazines. But, they really are a great resource!

julieQ said...

I too love quilt mags. I have that one too...but I think I am going to make a scrappy Irish Chain with my 2 inchers. Should be fun~

Michelle said...

I'm a huge fan of that "part of the groceries and there's no paper trail" philosophy -- Walmart even sells fabric and yarn, which makes it more tempting to add an impulse purchase or two to that already overflowing shopping cart!

Sharon said...

I use the same theory with wine, it just becomes part of the grocery bill! I love living in the US where I can buy wine in the grocery store, it's so civilized!

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