
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Meet Kay!

While at lunch with Marilyn and Gloria on the day of my arrival....(Oh Maggianos Little Italy, I have found a new favorite!!)....Gloria told me of her quilter friend Kay!

(And as an aside....it seems like so many of our photos were taken at restaurants, or while we were eating something or planning on eating something. I guess quilting and food have a lot in common, or go hand in hand, or something of that sort!)

Kay was not going to be able to make it to the guild meeting lecture or any of the classes, so we conspired to just drop by and surprise her. I was told she is a huge Quiltville fan, and makes many many many charity quilts, she is piecing on something ALL the time!

So off we go...it's a bit of a jaunt, but I know it's going to be worth it. We were giggling and chuckling the whole way on how we were going to surprise Kay and catch her unaware.

Well, wouldn't you know it?! Kay had already figured it out and was EXPECTING ME!!

Still, we had such a lovely visit, and I left feeling so inspired about what quilters can do even if we find ourselves house bound due to health issues. There is no stopping us, is there?

Kay, it was so great meeting you, visiting your lovely home, seeing ALL YOUR QUILTS!

In Stitches,


Catsngrams said...

What a lovely trip and visit. I love the friends that we meet here in quilter world.

swooze said...


What a wonderful lady you are. The gift or our time and ourselves in making others happy is one of the best in the world!

Pat said...

What a lovely thing to do!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie - In the section "You might also like:" a photo of Chloe shows up a lot. I have oftened wondered what became of her.
Re this post, I agree with Swooze. You really give a lot to the quilting community.

Connie said...

It is a wonderful thing to get to gether and talk quilts and eat also! HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Sandra said...

I love talking with older ladies that are quilters. They often have such beautiful stories behind the quilts they have made. I'm sure your visit was a great blessing to Kay.

woolywoman said...

Nice! Feel free to drop by and surprise me anyday! As for quilting and eating, well, we must keep our strength up!

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