
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beautiful Day in Crown Point, IN!

The weather has been SO lovely, it reached over 70 degrees today in Crown Point!

Before I go into any description, please, don't anyone ever tell me to "Knock 'em dead" before giving a lecture, okay? Half way through my lecture, we had someone pass out, konk their head when they hit the floor! 911 was called, the ambulance came, the lady's hubby came....they were whisked off to the hospital....

We took a short intermission, and then we started back up where we left off! But it was really more excitement than I bargained for.

This morning we were told that the passer-outer is doing better, but was kept for observation. I hope the tests will give them the info they need to get her well on the road to recovery!

That said...if you are GOING to pass out....let it be at a quilt guild meeting, where my quilts are there to roll up and place under your head, under your knees, and to cover your body and keep you warm from the effects of shock! Can you imagine if she fell at home alone? There are benefits to coming to guild meetings and being surrounded by those we can count on to take care of us!

After the guild meeting, we had a short lunch, and a half day String Spiderweb workshop! It went too fast.....felt like we were barely getting going when it was time to pack up and go. But never fear...these women are gluttons for punishment, and quite a few of them were also in TODAY's class.....those who can bravely begin two UFOs in one week are troopers!

These are a few pics I took around down town Crown Point yesterday. The stain glass windows are from the inside of the old house turned restaurant that we had dinner at. It was AMAZING! I had some pasta thing with portobello mushrooms, smoked chicken, sundried tomatoes, sauteed in olive oil and garlic and other yumminess. MMMM!

This building used to be the courthouse, but it is now shops inside. There are several antique malls and shops downtown and we had fun wandering through and enjoying walks down memory lane. All of us agreeing that something is only antique if it is OLDER than we are. If this fad occurred during our life span, then it could not be old enough by any means!

The only thing I am leaving with from the antiquing run is a crocheted hat pincushion from the 1930s or so..it was just too cute, and has a loop for hanging. No quilts are coming home with me this time.....

But Crown Point has a wonderful Quilt Shop called Bits & Pieces....and I did find a fabric bundle to come home with me!! This whole bundle was only $10!! All different sizes of odds and ends, but all in various shades of brown. There are some GREAT pieces in here....yep, leave it to me...to buy more scraps!! *LOL*

It's been a wonderful trip here, and I'd love to come back some day!


Meg said...

Hey, I grew up close to Crown Point! That old courthouse is pretty cool. Sounds like a good trip!

Material Girl said...

Enjoyed your post, sure hope the lady who passed out will be ok.
Those are really nice scraps Bonnie, and I know you will design something beautiful to use those lovely scraps in too.

Anonymous said...

glad you had a nice time in Crown Point. the pic's are great. Did you stop in at Antiques on Main? I have a booth there (quilty, americana and prims). Very nice store next to What's The Scoop Ice Cream. Maybe you bought my pin cushion- LOL ;) Take care and best wishes to other quilter. I'm sure she was in good hands with you by her side. Mary Jane

Teri said...

I've been ridiculed a lot lately for taking in scraps (and buying scrap bags). I just enjoy the mystery of seeing what I can do with them. I don't let it stop me! Pretty soon they will be joining me (they just don't know it yet).

YankeeQuilter said...

Sounds like a great trip! Quilt guild meetings are as good a place as any to get ill/hurt...at last count we had 8 nurses and one doctor in our guild!

Beth said...

Sounds like the rest of your trip went smoothly. Your brown scraps look like a great find. I'll be looking for them in a quilt. LOL

magicthimblecreations said...

Bonnie thanks for the trip down memory lane. Crown Point is the county set of Lake County where I grew up. I loved what they did with the old court house. My Great Uncle and Great Aunt lived there and we would visit them at least once a year. The best memories I have were the family reunions we had every summer at the county fair grounds...such fun.

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