I have been spending what time I could find the past couple of days and playing in my quilting studio (AKA...BASEMENT....it sounds so stuffy to say studio..*LOL*) making a complete mess and piecing 6" ohio star blocks from recycled fabrics!
ARE THEY NOT CUTE?! I just love traditional blocks. I never get tired of them. I don't feel like I need to reinvent the wheel on something like this.
And as I look at these pics...ugh..I really NEED a new ironing board cover... :cÞ
I'm piecing them easily from 2.5" squares, and cutting the quarter square triangles in matched pairs using 1.5" strips and my companion angle ruler. I'm shooting for variety, so using everything in the recycled realm.
I am happy to say that after 3 weeks of filling book orders (Other than when I am out of town of course) that I am finally CURRENT on the book orders! The hardest part this week was explaining to a lady who ordered her book "10 days ago" why she hadn't received it yet. Because the books didn't arrive on my doorstep until Jan 21st, and I had to send out all the pre-orders before the current ones could be tackled....and that I am ONE person, not amazon! But...we've got it handled. From here on out it will be smooth sailing.
I even took labels, invoices, my address stamps, and my pre-paid postage from stamps.com with me to Alabama so I could mail out any books that didn't sell at the workshops or the trunkshow, so I wouldn't have to do double shipping, shipping the box of books home and then having to mail out from here. We just stopped at the post office on Sunday morning and into the mail slot they went! How's that for quick thinking?
Today is the dreaded yearly female physical. BLECH. I know it's a necessary evil, but I hate it when I move somewhere and have to find a new doctor, and so I put it off. I hate the paperwork associated with a new doctor as well. I hate waiting rooms! I hate sitting in the exam room being covered by nothing but a huge paper towel! (I'm thinking I need to just bring a snuggie..*LOL*) But after this is done, the only thing I have left to do is a mammogram (Have you had YOURS?!) and I'll be all caught up on the physical stuff. That just leaves the eye doctor and the dentist! :cÞ
I'm passing on the gym this morning because the Doctor is down the ROAD from the gym and I don't want to make two 9 mile trips to town in a short span of time. Maybe I'll piece more stars this morning and then hit the gym after the doc...now there's a thought!
I love those stars! It's so fun to use repurposed fabric too!
I got my book... both of them! Thank you!
Great little stars! With all the running around you do I'm glad to hear you are taking a day to take care of yourself! When I have "dreaded MD appointments" I let myself stop a the LQS and buy some fat-quarters afterwords!
I recently heard this from someone and thought very appropriate for you - "The waiting room of life is never a fun place to hang out". Judy C in NC
I love the classic blocks too, there is a reason they are still around!
The last time my husband and I went for our check-ups, I sat in the large paper towel in one room and I later found out that my husband didn't even have to undo a button on his shirt (!!) in the room that he was in. He did have to un-tuck his shirt though! That just doesn't seem fair.
Have a great day! ♥
I love your little stars! Good luck in the waiting room. ;-)
Had the Mammo yesterday... :o( The snuggie would have been very nice!!! I find it funny that the name of the machine used on me is "Mammomat" like the laundromat or something! Surely a man invented that torture machine.
Trust in mammograms, but do your SELF EXAM. It saved my life! Love the traditional blocks, your fabric choices and colors reinvent the basic blocks.
Love your "mess!"
Got my book a few days ago, and really love it, Bonnie! And I love the star blocks you're making now. I love traditional pieced quilts and scrap quilts and I doubt it will ever change.
Bonnie, I hope you can make peace with the word "studio." Artists, designers, architects, draftsmen and -women: these people work in studios, not basements. With your quilts, you fulfill all these roles and more. Why not give your surroundings a name that reflects the dignity of the work that's done there? You are such a shining example of the esteem that quilting and quiltmakers deserve, and I thank you for helping teach me to hold my head high. Now, let the basement in on the fun, OK?
Love those exams. I tell my DH every year before my mammogram that I'm just going to lay down in the drive way on my side and let him drive over my boobs to get used to the torture. Man I hate those machines. You gotta know a man invented them.
Love the stars!
Love these Stars, Bonnie!!! Gave me an idea for some fabric I have that I had NO FREAKIN' CLUE what I was going to do with. Now... hmm... :)
Uncanny...we both are talking about messes on our blogs today. LOL When you get time, go see how you inspired me (again). I've been working with crumbs all week. Whew! I'm about crumbed out too. It's hard work. You are loved Bonnie. Thank you for all you do.
You are Queen of the world!! LOL
So TRUE about never tiring of traditional quilts/blocks! Love the star blocks!
hi Bonnie, thank you for your great (autographed) book I got from my friend Monika, which orderer directly from our scrapqueen! so many ideas, let's start. Hugs Brigitte
Glad to see you do get some time to play with your own fabrics in amoungst your hectic schedule!! LOVE the star blocks and congrats on getting up to date on the book orders - woo hoo :)
I adore teaditional blocks, too, and your Ohio Stars are lovely. And doesn't EVERYBODY'S ironing board cover look like that? I know mine does.
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