
Monday, February 08, 2010

Home from Alabama!!

I made it safely home from Alabama last night......was wondering if I was going to GET to come home....my flight out of Huntsville was supposed to leave at 6:20...and about 2pm they called (or the computer called cuz it was not a real person on the line) to tell me that my flight to Washington-Dulles was cancelled.

I turned right around right then and called the United number, while Teresa who was driving me headed straight to the airport in case there was another flight I could take.

We got me on a flight from Huntsiville to Chicago instead....and then Chicago to Greensboro......longer time in the air, but at least it would get me home!

Well, the flight to Chicago was delayed.....and delayed.....and then I started to worry that I wouldn't make my Greensboro connection! Turns out I did..barely. I got off one plane, went straight onto the other! Talk about Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200!! But I got home.

The funny part is that the pilots kept giving us Superbowl score updates all the way home...fun :c)

SO....here I am just trying to get caught up on email and get my life back going, you know how it is after you've been gone 4 days? That's what it's like over here. But mail and blog first.

The ladies (and one gentleman quilter too) were all so welcoming, and I laughed and laughed and just had the BEST time. The weather was horrible, it rained all except the last day, but you know what? We were all together, sewing machines humming, toasty warm inside, great food, great fun....it was the perfect sewing weekend!

Two classes that I dearly love...we did Star Struck on Friday, and My Blue Heaven on Saturday.

We were even spoiled by cooking such as this!

How can you beat a chocolate drizzled strawberry cheesecake pie with an oreo cookie crust?! You serve it with Alabama BBQ, slaw and beans! Believe me, we did NOT starve. :c)

I was also able to vist two definitely different shops, and could NOT walk away from these fabrics. When you need muddy colors that are not neutral....and they are in the $5 per yard bin...what's a girl to do?

We even traipsed through the rain to an antique mall on a quilt hunting expedition! This one they wanted way too much money for....but you know what they say, a picture is worth 1,000 words?! :cD It was ADORABLY scrappy....great idea for those leader/ender 4 patches you've been stock piling! The pencil marks were still visible where the maker drew her quilting lines.

I love the shirting plaid used as the background fabric.

I love how the value changes in the squares between the 4 patches.

Sometimes they are dark and color coordinated. Sometimes they are dark and mixed up scrappy, sometimes they are light which just makes it look like a completely different block but isn't.

I also love the light outer border! I realized something about myself...I usually do DARK outer borders. Maybe it's that "MOM" thing in me that says...."That is where hands will be grabbing and tugging at it, and that's where it is going to get grimey first...." But I like it....hmmmm...ideas for the future!

I just LOVE little 4 patches....so this one is definitely on the horizon for me. I'd love to duplicate that quilting too!

So, this morning (shoot it's already after 10, it's half gone!!)I've got unpacking to do, book orders to do, housework, laundry, all that other mundane stuff to do, but I'd really like to be sewing by evening. I'm inspired! And watching two full classes of quilters sewing with pedal to the metal over the weekend and knowing that *I* was not getting to have machine time.....means that I've really got a hankering to spend some piecing time at SOME POINT today!

I hope you get some too....even if it is 15 minutes...it's better than nothing, right? :c)


YankeeQuilter said...

It is a strange winter when you can go through Chicago but there is snow in D.C.! Glad you got home ok...that pie looks illegally good!

Sharon said...

Love the vintage quilt, yes, it's a great project for your leader/ender process. Great quilt to be inspired by.

antique quilter said...

omg!!!! that pie looks incredible
so how good was it? love the fabrics you bought good choices to add to the stash...
Love this quilt too, yes inspiring...
glad your home and I bet you will find an hour or two to sew today

Anonymous said...

Glad u got home. Sounded like Homer's Odyssey...

Vivian said...

Glad you had a safe return. I just realized this is probably one of the first posts I've read where you show yardage fabric that you've purchased. I need some of that because I keep wanting to do a quilt that is scrappy and looks antique. I don't have a fabric stash so I am looking for fabrics that may pass off as looking vintage.

Jo said...

Bonnie...I LOVE the quilt. THANKS for sharing it. I love quilts that are easy yet look a bit more complicated. I admit...you've won me over...I've become a leader and ender gal.

Brenda said...

I glad you made it home!! Loved the 'do not pass go' part!! I can just see you high tailing it down the airport, ticket in the air, arm waving, yelling at them to "wait, wait!!!" - I am glad you made it!!
The food looked very yummy!! And that quilt you found, yup, I can see you trying to make one of your own!! I am glad you had a great time and now can rest. For what? A day or two?? You sure are one busy lady, but you also prove, dreams really do come true.
Hope you get to sew for more than a few minutes today!! Bye Bonnie!! Have a super fantastic day!!

Marj said...

Welcome Home! I got some sewing time in on Superbowl Sunday and started the Crabapple tree quilt. I'm loving it! Hope you get some piecing time in before you have to go teach again.

SubeeSews said...

I love your fabrics you bought. What a treasure to pack home.
I have a good sized piece of the starburst fabric. I thought it was a little heavier than quilting cotton but it behaves well.
I am so glad you made it home.
I was afraid you had driven. But then it was an adventure even flying home. I cannot say which would be worse.

Connie said...

No. 1 Glad you made it home safely!
No. 2 love the vintage quilt, thanks for showing it.
No. 3 hope you get some rest and enjoy your sewing. Happy SEWING!

woolywoman said...

Glad you made the connection- it would have been disheartening to have ended up stuck in Chicago- further from home!

I have been fascinated by the light borders, lately, also. I do worry about dirt, but...

Helen in the UK said...

LOVE seeing your vintage quilt finds. I can definately see this made up in recycled shirts. Have fun with your own sewing and thanks for sharing :)

Kathy said...

think you could get the pie recipe? And glad you are home safe. We are swapped with snow here in the DC metro area so it's good you did not fly here cuz there is no getting out!

Gamawinkie Renea said...

We in TN got our share of snow, too!
The quilt is beautiful. Glad you had a great time. Aren't quilters wonderful to be around?

Vesuviusmama said...

I got caught by the $5 bin just yesterday, but it is a purchase I just don't feel that guilty about!

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