
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Simple Things....

Simple Quilts with lots of color make me happy!!! For those of you wondering what to do with those leader/ender 4 patches that have been stock piling up....look at this antique! It has fabrics dating through the 1950s..but look at that solid red for punch! I also love how the darks in the 4 patches do NOT go all the same direction but look like they are moving around....I love how the binding changes color half way down the left side. Maybe that's two different pieces of backing fabric folded around to the front? Come to think of it, with a closer look, the binding is different on ALL sides!

SUPER quilt...easy, and an effective use of scraps...this one gets lots of bells and whistles from me!

(Trying to think of happier things here, than focusing on cat test results)


SubeeSews said...

Love that good ol'e 4-patch as much as I love the 9-patch! Great old quilt!

WhiteStone said...

Wow! That red packs a powerful punch! Bright and cheerful!

Sharon said...

simple wins many times. Thanks for reminding us with the fabulous quilt.

beth said...

oooh! I like this one! thanks for sharing it with us!

pwl said...

I'm sending good thoughts for Oscar, and my furbabies are sending purrs.

antique quilter said...

oh Bonnie so happy your home for awhile I know you need to regroup and just sew your days away!
Sending good thoughts for Oscar. I love this 4 patch quilt...
love that red in there!!!

Linda D said...

Bonnie, give Oscar a big hug for me. I hope the antibiotics will cure the 'mystery mass' and he will be better soon. Isn't amazing how our pets become our babies? Its that unconditional love that they have.

On a lighter note, I'm almost all set for the mystery. This will be my second one from you. I love mysteries, and yours are far and beyond the best! Thanks for all that work you do. It is GREATLY appreciated.

Linda D in Reno

Miss Carol said...

I wonder what this quilt would look like if I dug into my box of half square triangles and randomly used them to finish the 4-patch block ie: square in a square effect? May be an interesting day after all :)

Saska said...

Red always looks good!

Helen in the UK said...

I'm a big fan of red and this makes brilliant use of it to add a 'punch'. Makes me want to start sewing 4 patches ... but I daren't start another new project until after your new mystery :)

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