I need good thoughts for Oscar, my kitty.
He was coughing a bit when I left for Littleton, Rocky Mount, and Elizabeth City. I got home from Elizabeth City yesterday afternoon. Today was the first chance I could get him to the vet.
The vet heard wheezing while listening to his breathing, thinking it might be asthma, she suggested xrays.
The xrays show a mass, which might either be pneumonia, or cancer.
We did a leukemia test...I'm waiting for the results on that. In the mean time he has been started on an antibiotic in case it IS pneumonia....which is the best case scenario.
If leukemia is ruled out, we wait a week and see if the antibiotic is helping. If the mass doesn't go away....we have decisions to make. If the leukemia test comes back positive, we have decisions to make.
Today is my first day home for the holiday season. I'm done traveling and teaching until January! However, I'm going to Arizona for a few days in December to spend time with my two brothers and my Dad. I'm really looking forward to spending time with them, even if the last thing I want to do right now is think about going back on the road! Let the next 3 weeks be spent at home NOT thinking of anything but being home....and I'll deal with family when I get there! *LOL*
Many questions have come in regarding the upcoming mystery. Though most of the pieces can be cut from 2.5" strips, if you are NOT using the easy angle for construction, please don't cut your strips ahead of time. You'll have to do it a bit differently to get 2" finished triangle units. Plan accordingly. Some of the units need an even larger piece, so even though some have said they have cut all their fabric ahead of time into 2.5" strips, unauthorized by me, they may be in for a surprise! Sorry.....but it's best to wait until I say "GO" before you jump ahead, okay?
You don't HAVE to have the Easy Angle ruler to do this, but I don't understand why anyone would not want to at least try it. You can find it at Joanne's if one is near you, you can use a coupon for it. It will cost you $3 or $4 bucks with a coupon. Some Walmarts have them. You can order them on amazon or ebay. I think the other fabric chains like Hancocks and Hobby Lobby (which also have regular sales and coupons) have them. The pattern for the mystery is free, so isn't it a fair deal to at least TRY to find one for a few dollars and see if this helps your quilt making? I LOVE this ruler. I would not be caught without it. I plan to keep using it in the future. It's in your best interest to have the tools to follow along.
Someone asked if I were uploading ALL the steps in one day. Nope. There is no way you can make this quilt all in one day, and I'm working just a couple steps ahead of everyone else. I'm planning on perhaps 2 steps a week...but if I don't get to it with all that is going on, you may have to wait...I'm not doing this on a set schedule, it has to fit in with my life. It takes a lot of time, not only to design the quilt, but to complete the quilt before you, to take the photos, to write the directions, to upload them to the website and have them linked to everything else in the proper sequence. Hours and Hours. I love doing it! I just need your patience and understanding.
If there is a link at the bottom of whatever page you are working on, then you can click to get to the next step. If not....wait until there is a link! I'll also be posting an announcement here on my blog, and on my website, as well as the two email lists when each step goes public.
If you want a smaller quilt? I suggest you wait until all the clues are revealed before starting so you can decide how many of what unit to make. Same with larger. Just wait and see. Because of time limitations I'm not able to do the math for everyone who wants a different size....or if they want to use a different method to make the units.
I'm hoping to get my car unpacked and things put away this afternoon...I need to set my machine back up, get something for dinner cooking in the crockpot, and then hopefully spend some time SEWING today! :cD
Saying a prayer for your kitty...thanks so much for all the work you do on these mystery quilts. My Double Delight is hanging in the livingroom right now...really love it!
Poor little Oscar. I didn't know you still had a cat in your house....I do recall one getting "the boot". :) Hey....we had two that needed to find new homes....only to get a golden retriever puppy....but hey....what is a home without a pet??? Well...it is usually hairball free!!! :)
Hope your kitten is going to be allright! Have fun working on your new mystery quilt. And enjoy the holidays!
I wish all the best for your kitty, and speedy recovery!!
You are making me smile , I can't hardly wait to start working on your mystery quilt, thanks for doing this for us!
I love my Easy Angel ruler, I think I couldn't live without ;-))) there are sooooo many things which can be made with it!
Bonnie! I'm send CatLove to you. Much much cat love. Uh. I'm off to the Vet with one of mine so I feel, at this moment, I can really connect up with how you might be feeling.
Warmly and with much Hope, *karendianne.
My five cats are sending good wishes to yours. Hope it's "just" pneumonia and he's feeling better soon.
You are so good to us, giving us the mystery quilts and all the free patterns. I hope everyone appreciates all the effort you put in and tries to be patient. :)
Pneumonia. It will be pneumonia. I insist it be so.
Sending cyber hugs and get well thoughts to your kitty - hope everything works out well for him. He is very cute - I used to have a nice white cat like him many years ago.
Looking forward to your mystery quilt - as it comes, when it comes ... anytime - very glad you decided to do another one as I enjoyed the last one.
Cheers Jane x
I'll keep my fingers crossed for your Oscar, have a cat on my own and know how it feels, if they becomes ill!
Two years ago I bought my Easy Angle because of one of your quilts and I will never miss it!
I will be praying that Oscar gets better.
I have decided to make the mystery quilt out of batiks, as I had a bunch of fat quarters collected already.Love the easy angle and will wait until the fun begins to cut any of the fabrics. Thanks for doing another mystery quilt on line for us, I enjoy them very much.
I'm looking forward to your mystery! Please don't let mystery folks push your buttons. Do what you need to do in your own time. Oscar and family come first. I hope all is well, and goo news arrives soon. Janet in NY
That is so weird about Oscar, our cats have been sneezing, and wheezing this month also. The vet thinks it is a uri (upper resp. infection)antibotics for 10 days will tell. Every one was updated on shots, 1 was cleared yesterday, the other 2 go in next week again to the vet. Even my dogs are coughing, she wanted xrays I said we can treat first, if nothing changes than xrays. Best wishes for Oscar.
Fingers are crossed here in Indiana for Oscar getting better. A loss at the holidays would be so hard to take. My five kitties are sending kittie licks and purrs to Oscar.
BTW...is Oscar deaf? I remember reading somewhere that all white w/blue eyes. Ot maybe that was pink eyes and rabbits. Oh nevermind.
I LOVE my Easy Angle ruler. I even got my LQS to stock it because a class that I am teaching will be utilizing one! I adapted the pattern to it. Wonderful ruler.
I hope your kitty does well. Prayers for him and you. Happy sewing.
Sure hope the antibiotics do the trick for Oscar. My two cats are my babies, and I know Oscar is your baby. It's hard to see them not feeling well...especially since they can't tell us if it hurts or whatever.
Enjoy your time at home AND your trip to Arizona. The time will go way too fast.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
hi bonnie
sending good thoughts to you and oscar
looking forward to the new mystery
not sure if I can play along, but I will be saving the instructions.....
still plugging along on CC, DD and jared takes a wife....and cathederal stars......
There's nothing harder than a sick pet. That's when I wish they could just talk to me and tell me what's bothering them....hugs to you and Oscar kitty.
Yeaaaa...you're back. This will be my first time to participate in one of your Mystery Quilts and I can't wait. I've only been quilting bout a year and I have made the boxy stars quilt and love it. Kinda neat to see as I start on my 9th quilt the some of the scraps of fabric carry over to other quilts.
Thanks for all your effort!
Paula D.
Bonnie, my sympathies and hope Oscar does improve- we have a cat in almost the exact same condition right now-went to vet with lump on her arm, turned out to be an infection, but they also found a mass on her heart or lungs and they can't tell which- and cannot do anything. They tell us very little. Our fingers are crossed what they saw was an infection that the antibiotics may have cleared up.
So we enjoy each day with her we have and spoil her rotten...and one day will probably have to make one of those decisions too.
I truly hope he perks up and improves for you!
Hope all turns out ok with your Kitty.
Do rnjoy your three weeks at home and make the best of it.
ps. Thank you for another mystery
Awwww! Poor kitty. Sending prayers for the little guy..
Good thoughts and prayers for your beautiful kitty Oscar...
Oh dear! I had no idea Oscar was feeling under the weather!!! Anything with the test result?
Hope Oscar is ok and sending him positive kitty thoughts!
I hope all turns out well for Oscar.
Wishing you the best with your kitty. I know you love him alot.
Oh no. poor oscar. good wishes and hugs from me. never thought I'd say it, but fingers crossed for pneumonia.
Good thoughts to Oscar. He is a beautiful cat. I love the easy angle and the companion. Learned to use them in a class and now think they're the only way to fly. Looking forward to the mystery. Lane
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