
Thursday, October 08, 2009

Mess & Madness (of the best kind!)

Hi all!

I am here at Beaver Island Retreat with Isabeau, Joes and Lucy...and just a few minutes to post some glimpses of what is going on here!

I feel like I haven't gotten that far, but it is worth it..because without being here I never would have considered piecing 1400 1/2 square triangle units that finish at 1"!!! I am to the point of starting to sew sashings and cornerstones using the red,double pink, green, and cheddar 1/2 square triangle squares. I'm finally EXCITED
about a UFO that has hung on untouched for 10 years (or maybe a bit more? This was from my Idaho days.)

There will be more applique added to my blocks to bring some more character to them. Red berries are a must...but I am going to piece these insane sashings and then attach them to 2 sides of each block with a cornerstone unit, still leaving them portable so I can do the berries on the go over the next little while. It will be a worthwhile project, and it is great to be motivated on it again.

I have had so much fun meeting the ladies here, from all over...and there are wonderful connections with some people who I've only met through email or through blogland, and here we are in person. If you ever have a chance to take a Gwen Marston retreat, you really need to put it on your bucket list. But put it at the TOP of your bucket list, not at the end..life goes to quickly!

The weather has been rainy and cold and windy the past few days, but even that has made it a wonderful atmosphere for staying in and quilting with friends. The leaves are turning...SO beautiful. Lucy and I drove around the other day hitting a few quilt shops, and taking pictures of the scenery. It is so fun to see America through her eyes. We found THREE one room school houses, scattered all over the county, just while out on our jaunt. We weren't looking for them, but what a great photo opportunity! I hope she will post pictures soon.

The sun is shining today, I can feel it warm on my back through the beautiful windows that look out to the lake....still windy, still cold, but I'm happy has a cat sitting here, getting ready to sew those 1400 triangles into something fabulous :c)

Stay tuned...I'll send more when I can!


Teri said...

Yo-Yo's might give the applique some texture for those berries. Glad you're enjoying your "me" time.

Lee D said...

Sounds like you are having a fabulous time and very productive too. I can say that I have finally finished a UFO that has been hanging around my house for over 6 years now. Not my favourite, but it is DONE! next....

bingo~bonnie said...

1400 1/2 square triangle units that finish at 1"!!!!!!!!

WOWZERS!!! you are one amazing woman Bonnie! You da woMAN!

Glad to hear that you are having fun! Love from Texas! ~bonnie

Suzy said...

How funny that you should mention Gwen Marston. I'm having a giveaway on my blog and one of the items is one of her books that I loved so much I accidently wound up with 2 of them! Aren't her designs to die for! So glad you're having fun. :o)

Mary-Kay said...

If you go to Charlevoix be sure to stop in at Hearts to Holly 107 Mason St and tell them I sent you. I love her shop and my sister works there too! You could also try some texture magic on the berries for texture. It's fun stuff!

Barb said...

Hi Bonnie -
I attended BIQR for 5 years - tell Gwen tht "Sweet Little Barb" says hello. You and I met at Brownstone quilters, in NJ last spring -
have a blast - I know you are!!

Sharon said...

I'm jealous! Looks like a wonderful venue and yes, it is on my bucket list! Thanks for the reminder.

SubeeSews said...

I have been to a great quilt shop in Petosky MI...would be on you way home.....
1400 1/2 square triangle units that finish at 1"! WOW! But it is the tiny details in your quilts that make such a difference.

It is rainy and cool here in Indiana. I brought some beautiful leaves inside and arranged them on the scanner...printed them out. Then put the leaves in the freezer. I have no idea why I did this.

antique quilter said...

Wish i was there too!
glad your making all those hst I know you will be happy in the end!
I can't wait to see the finished quilt!
I can only imagine how much fun your all having!

Kim said...

Ohhh can't wait to see what you come up with....sounds fantastic!

Have fun and Happy Sewing

YankeeQuilter said...

Love the idea of berries on your quilt top...got to admit that many hst would really intimidate me! that or burn the motor out on my featherweight! Enjoy!

quiltmom anna said...


What a great time you are having - I am sure that it is such an inspiring place to be and it is always great to spend time with good friends.

You do make wonderful scrap quilts but I am not sure about 1400 one inch finished half triangles Wowzer ... That is a big number of tiny pieces.. I am sure it will be gorgeous when it is finished.

Have a terrific time.
Warmest regards,

Kucki68 said...

I love Gwen's books and am positively envious that you got to go. (Positive, because I am have you got to go and envious, because I do not think I will get there)

Tonya Ricucci said...

That's so exciting to be at BIQR and having fun with a project you'd long since given up on. woohoo, keep having fun!

not so zen -quilts in Paris said...

Who cares about the weather !
Wish you all the best fot this retreat with Gwen and the Dutch girls. How inspiring it must be...Hugs and kisses for all, Will in Paris

Clare said...

I'm envious. BIQR - you lucky girls!

Can't wait to read more about it and see photos on both your blogs.

Jeane said...

I can't believe 1400 HST! I am so happy for you that you found a solution for your quilt and it will be beautiful when done.

There is nothing better than time with good friends. Enjoy every minute.

julieQ said...

HI Bonnie! I really love your Cheddar applique blocks, but I think you may have fallen off your rocker with the tiny, tiny setting triangles, LOL! Just goshing...and...I just finished your newest mystery quilt!

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