
Thursday, October 01, 2009

Autumn Means Apples!

Here are a couple pics I took at Brandt's Apple Orchard outside of Ashtabula OH on Sunday!

It was a beautiful day, typical of fall....and since we left there it has gotten colder and colder and rained and rained! I'm glad I packed some warm clothes, but if I run out, I might need to go....SHOPPING! OH NO!!

The atmosphere here was just wonderful. There was a group of blue grass players, apple cider being pressed, the smell of goodies cooking in the bakery....we HAD to try the apple donuts! People came out in droves to enjoy the weather, the music, the food and the fun...

Actually I'm hoping that once Joes, Isabeau and Lucy get here, we'll ALL do some shopping. It's fun to watch foreigners shop through what we take for granted :c)

Yesterday was a FULL day! I met with the Canton Ohio Quilt Guild for a Boxy Stars Workshop, and had a trunkshow and lecture for the guild following that at 7pm.

I'm off again this morning to teach Cathedral Stars to the KISS guild in Copley!

Tomorrow? I heard rumor of a quilt show not too far away, and since I don't have another guild meeting until tomorrow night, I think that might be on the menu!


Michele said...

Yummm...I can also smell the apple donuts! Sounds like you're having fun as usual!

Jodi Nelson said...

LOVE the picture of the apples!

bingo~bonnie said...

Oh Bonnie, that sounds like a wonderful time with the bluegrass band playing ;) Thanks for the update and photos... and enjoy your weekend! :)

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

PS and have FUN with your Lucy as I'm sure you will!! ;)

Browndirtcottage said...

Hey girl....I was wondering....why don't you Twitter???...LOL...as if you didn't have enough to do!!!

Miriam said...

Sounds like you are having a ball!!!!

How is your ankle? Is it all better now?

Kim said...

Are these the same Brandt's that own the Harley dealership?
I may have to drop by and tell them I am related :0)

Happy Sewing,
Kim Brandt

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