
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sisters Sisters!

Here is a pic of the 5 of us with the gorgeous mountain view in the background!

Yesterday I was a zombie. I napped in the afternoon, but it threw my sleeping schedule way off (not to mention I'm still time zone challenged!) and I was up at 4:45 this am which would have been close to 2am Oregon time. Go figure!

Today...house cleaning. Grocery shopping. Errand Running...maybe some quilt sewing??

I've got one of my favorite groups from the 90s motivating me in the background...I've got The Cranberries playing up loud. Fun!

And life swings back into "normal" mode!


YankeeQuilter said...

The Cranberries! I haven't listened to them in years....got to dig out the CD....oh no, are they still on cassette tape?

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

5 of you! I have 3 sisters and 8 brothers aren't large families neat!

Cher said...

a fave group of mine as well-yes, life after vacation must resume..darn it.

bettyp said...

nice to have you back Bonnie

Sharon said...

Sounds like another great trip to OR. You look FAB, your hard work has paid off, you go girl!!

loulee said...

You'll be feeling like a 'Zombie' then? Sorry couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a fabulous time and love the mountains in the background.


Dena said...

I haven't listened to my Cranberries' CDs in a long time. Brings back a lot of memories.

Isn't Sisters beautiful? I've never gone for the quilting event, but my husband and I traveled through on one of our road trips a couple of years ago. Everyone is so nice too.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home (again)...I don't know if I should say have a good time or welcome back! Tee Hee We have lots of catching up to do!

darlynn said...

You all look happy and wonderful and like you are having a good time. I heard from the "sistahs" that it was a grand week! I am sincerely delighted for you all, but cannot help but sign off.....

sniff, sniff.....d

Karen Newman Fridy said...

Normal?!? What's THAT? ;-)

Glad to have you back...hope to see you soon!

Tazzie said...

Such a great picture Bonnie hon, what a good time you had.

bingo~bonnie said...

what fun it must to be to go to amazing places with amazing friends. ;)

I'm also fascinated with those snow capped mountains in the background - in the middle of July??? WOW!

Will you be giving any peeks or previews to what you worked on while you were away??? ;)

Love from Texas!

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