
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane..

I'm packing and planning and getting ready for my trip to Oregon! I leave Friday!

SO if you don't hear from me for a while, never fear....I'm getting the rest and relaxation I need :c)


YankeeQuilter said...

Have fun...rest...relax...giggle...all that quilt-y vacation stuff!

Lane said...

Oh, I am jealous. Enjoy Sisters and relax. Say hi to at least one stranger a day (okay, not too much stranger). Lane

Mary said...

Wish I could come and meet you there. Relaxing? I wonder about that one. it is a big show - lots of steps to walk and many quilts to see!

Susan D said...

Have a great, relaxing time in Sisters. I leave on Sunday-- my first time there. I'll say hi-- one of thousands who will, I'm sure. For me- it's about relaxing, and having time to piece some quilts of my own, before the BIG SHOW.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Bonnie, have a blast. Rest. Relax!!

darlynn said...

Have a grand time! You know I will be thinking of you!!!

darlynn said...

Have fun! You KNOW I will be thinking of you!!!!

darlynn said...

Did I post twice??? See.....I will be missing ya!

Pattie D said...

Have a great time! I am a tad jealous, pretty sure my SIL will be there. I would love to go, but we are going later this month to a model A convention in that same area...so at least I will be able to enjoy the beautiful terrain...just not the quilt fun!
Get lots of rest, relaxing and quilting in

Mrs Quilty said...

Wow! All the way to Oregon from North Carolina! You will love Oregon! Green and beautiful! I live in Washington state and it is very pretty too! Love your "About me" where you say Obsessive compulsive quilter and fabric addict! Me too! It's the best kind of addict to be!! Have a wonderful trip and come visit me on my blog when you return!

Mrs Quilty said...

Hope you have a wonderful trip! Oregon is so green and beautiful! I live in Washington state and it's beautiful too! The Northwest is the best! I am also an obsessive compulsive quilter and fabric addict! Best kind of addict to be! Come visit my blog!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! and don't forget to sleep.

I wish I could go down 2 blocks and get on Hwy. 20 and just head west till I hit Sisters. That would be such a great road trip with a couple friends.

Teodo said...

enjoy your trip.
ciao ciao

Kim said...

Enjoy! We'll look forward to all the pictures and wish we could be there too.

Safe travel Bonnie and
Happy Sewing

Judy D in WA said...

Have a wonderful and fun vacation. I can't go to Sisters this year :( so I'll be waving from Washington State. Take lots of pictures.

Joyce said...

Tell Randi we said hello!!! Maybe one of these days we will see her again.

Darlene B said...

I hope you enjoy your time away. Take it easy - we'll be awaiting for your return!

Dena said...

Enjoy Sisters!

Michele Bilyeu said...

Cheri, Doni, and Michele (that's me, the lady who yells 'Quiltsville' trying to find you amongst the crowd) ...are all Oregonians and are all going again.

If you read this, drop us a line and give us a meeting place so we can introduce ourselves! We usually meet at the Sister's Library but our time varies! We see the quilts inside, then either do our own thing or walk around together. It's a real hoot meeting oline bloggers. Keep your ears open for a yell!If nothing else take one of our cell phone numbers and just let us know you're within range of a 'celebrity sighting' again ;)C'mon...we need photo ops, too!!!!

rcp said...

Hooray!!! I'm doing a happy dance--well the best I can with bad knees! I'm glad you are going to have some rest and fun!!!

Sharon said...

Have a great time and enjoy the Oregon sunshine!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Have a great time Bonnie!!! Cant wait to hear all about it.

AnnieO said...

Some year I hope to get to Sisters with my sister. That would be something, all right! Glad you're getting some vacation time and spending it doing the thing you love!

Deb said...

bonnie have a great trip and lots of R&R..will wait for your pics.. also will miss what you do in your creative sewing room..

Linda Lee said...

Have a great vacation! I have joined your newest Christmas Lights Mystery Quilt! I am anxious to prove to myself I am able to make awesome projects.

Kim said...

That plane has been in the air for a long time....when are you heading home with pictures and news of the trip?

Happy Sewing,

Cher said...

just dropping a note to say I posted our photo of meeting at the park along with photos of Gwen and Freddy.
It was great to meet you and chat with you in person. Hope you come home truly relaxed and feeling good.

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