
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Double Purple :c)

This is the quilt I brought home from Sisters with me! Really, I thought I was going to get away from there without having to buy anything...HA! But this one, oh THIS one...and I asked the lady if she would take less than the asking price, well, when she met MY offered price, I couldn't walk away, could I? I mean....would have really looked stupid if she said yes, and I said I changed my mind :c)

I love this quilt...all that double purple is rare to find. There is a faded-to-brown stripe on the fold down the center, It was probably stored where light hit it. The other fabrics are not specifically gorgeous, but many interesting pieces, definitely some feminine and some masculine scraps in there.

I love the burgundy resist prints, and of course many of the stripes and plaids are cut VERY off grain. She was definitely cutting the pieces whichever way the template would fit on the scraps she had.

It doesn't look like it at first glance, but it is a 54-40 or fight block! The lights just kind of blend together giving it a different look.

And while I was photographing the quilt, I couldn't ignore Chloe who was shading herself under the picnic table on the deck. She is still here, doing well, loves being outside, and is even MORE apt to letting you get closer for a belly rub these days than she ever was when she was a "house cat".

Thanks for the comments on the issue of BIG QUILTS. Its nice to know I'm not alone in my thoughts! I do make some smaller things, those are the ones I travel with so I can stitch on the road, but for the most part, quilts that cover people from head to toe (at least) and cover beds (at most) are where it's at for me! (Still thinking this is going to help me use more fabric scraps.....)


Dena said...

Nice purchase. I especially like the block featuring the burgandy resist print. Chloe looks quite comfortable and content under the picnic table. LOL

Marj said...

Great find! I love how the light part blends together. It also looks like an easy block for using up 2" scraps. Thanks for sharing.

Angie said...

Great find! Interesting pattern. Too bad there is a faded fold line right smack down the middle. A good reminder for all of us to refold and store our quilts where this can't happen. I'm going to refold some of mine now.

Unknown said...

I too can't see the point in small quilts - we here like the quilts that the whole family can crawl under. Isn't that the point of quilts, to be blanketed in love?

Nicola in West Australia

Elaine Adair said...

What an interesting arrangement of the 54-40 units. I've NEVER seen that before.

Tazzie said...

Just gorgeous Bonnie, I really like that block pattern. Even though I keep resisting, I think that purple may be becoming my favourite colour.

Kucki68 said...

Great find! I love how the light "stars" and four patch patches melt together and form a new pattern.

Eileen said...

Maybe "Big Quilts" could be the title of the book? I don't know if it's been used but it could snag peoples' attention.

You got a good deal with this quilt, enjoy it.

If your deadline isn't too near, why not take a day and just piece to your heart's content? You'll feel better and you'll be able to tackle the book quilts again.

Frog Quilter said...

Big quilts do use a lot of scraps but somehow I think they are reproducing at night while we sleep. Any I LOVE scraps!!!! Liz

bingo~bonnie said...

WOW Bonnie, what a beautiful quilt indeed... it shouted your name immediately when I saw it. SO your style ;)

Love seeing all the quilts you find... just wondering if you rotate the quilt(s) on your beds at home? Have you ever considered showing a photo of your bedroom each month or as often as you change them out...? that would be cool to see ;)

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

dot said...

Great quilt. I can see you making one like this in the near future. Did you notice the block in the lower right hand corner is placed different than the others? Just wondering.

Louise said...

Bonnie: I really love that quilt. I've never heard of "double purple" before...I'll have to keep my eyes open for it when I shop for fabric! The antique quilts really are the most interesting, in my opinion. Part of it is that the makers used what they had, and if they ran out of something, they just used another fabric.
Thank you for sharing your quilt.

*karendianne. said...

Great quilt, fantastic blocks. Love it! Inspiring. And I'm happy to read kitty is content and thriving outside. She asked for it ~ she got it. :) ...if only we understood Feline Lingo from day one. They're such rattts! I love 'em, never give up my kitties, but I'm just sayin!

Hedgehog said...

What an amazing find! Thanks for sharing it with us.

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