
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Double Delight Opportunity!

I don't often do this, spam everyone too much. I like to keep that to a minimum or there would be a spam post every day from someone wanting me to post something, but this one was too good to pass up!

Sheila writes:
Dear Bonnie,

A while ago I told you about a charity quilt project I was working on. It is the Double Delight Opportunity Quilt to benefit my quilting friend and her family who lost their home to a fire this past March. The quilt has been on display at my local quilt shop and has made a few guest appearances at local outdoor events. I had several thousand tickets printed and still have quite a few to sell. The drawing is in September and I was wondering if you thought that maybe some of your blog followers might be interested in taking a chance to win this quilt by helping a fellow quilter and her family get back on their feet.

There are many worthy causes out there, but this one touches my heart. I have often had nightmares about losing everything to fire. I hope this raffle helps restore some normalcy to this family!

You can find out more by clicking on this LINK


bingo~bonnie said...

indeed what a great cause Bonnie! Do you mind if I make a little post too on my blog linking to her page with her mailing addy???

I know there is always a lot of hype when bloggers host give-a-ways... and same ones get posted over and over on blogs - so I don't think this would be any different - the more advertising the better ;) This family deserves all the charity they can raise from this lovely quilt.

I'll wait to hear from you first though. ;) Love from Texas! ~bonnie

Sheila said...

I'm in for 5.....how tragic!
This was good Spam. :)

YankeeQuilter said...

The border she put on this double delight is gorgeous...and what looks like a really good cause.

blushing rose said...

I wrote her about how to purchase some of these tickets. TY for bringing this to our attention. TTFN ~ Marydon


mimi said...

Hello Bonnie,
I have a funny story. Yesterday I was in Reproduction Fabrics in Bozeman, MT, where I was adding fabric for my stash, plus looking for fabric for my own Double Delight! I like the color scheme that Yankee Quilter at Scraps and Threadtales used. I had photos of her quilt on the cutting table. The only other shopper in there leaned over the photos and asked if that was mine. When I said yes, it's Double Delight from Bonnie Hunter, she said I thought that looked familiar. That's the quilt I'm making and shopping for right now! We both had a good laugh that it's such a small world...I'm from Texas and am RVing in the area, and she's from Arizona(??) and was RVing in the area. She's using your color scheme and didn't know about Yankee Quilter so I passed her blogspot info along.
Bonnie, you are well loved and well read all over the U.S.A. My husband and I RV almost full time and I mention you as I shop hop across America every year!

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