
Friday, June 26, 2009


I'm having some website issues again. I signed up for a secure certificate, but it is messing up EVERYTHING....some are able to get to the website if they type https://quiltville.com instead of http://quiltville.com I want to get it OFF the front page so it doesn't mess with anyone's book marks, but bear with me. I'm wishing I never signed up for this at ALL!

PS..you will also notice along with this problem that my backgrounds, any icons, the banner from my header, the pictures at the bottom in the sidebar of family and friends are ALL missing because of the SSL..it gave everything a new address. I've been on the phone to CANCEL IT and get everything back the way it used to be.

As they say, if it ain't broken don't fix it.. Ggggggggrrrrrr

PSS it seems to be fixed as of 7pm. I've been napping since my last posting.....I hope the gremlins got RID of their (*&#$(*& ssl. Stupid thing.


blushing rose said...

You will be ok, it'll all work out.
TTFN ~ Marydon

Pat said...

Hmmmmmm...I see your header and sidebar and it all looks the same to me as it has looked in the past. Could it be fixed now???

Char said...

And you just posted such a sweet quote about being strong and patient. How about - This too shall pass!!! It's too hot to worry in your part of the country!!!

Katney said...

And you may not know it but at least one blogger had his/her blog redirected to quiltville and some other quilting sites. He/she was not too happy with it, but it was a network problem of some kind that got sorted out. Must not have been a quilter.

Debby said...

Hi Bonnie,

I hope you can get it straightened out soon.

Just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you do sharing your patterns and info!

We REALLY appreciate it!

Have a great weekend!

Debby in DE

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I hope next week goes better for you than this one! Hang in there!

rcp said...

Hang in there!!! Have a great weekend!

Genie said...

Hi Bonnie--Your website looks just fine on my computer. Get well, persevere.
Prayers and good thoughts from
Wanda Gene

Michelle said...

Oh Bonnie

That piece of fabric is winging its way to you... hopefully it will add a little cheer to your day! Hang in there!


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