
Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Monday....

It's another week! How does that happen?

I wanted to show you a couple of goodies found on my way home from Statesboro GA last week. These were actually unearthed in Charlotte.

TWO of the quilts came home with me....$30.00 each! Mind you, there is wear, there is tearing,there are loose seams, there is fabric shattering...but I love the feel of these,and just for studying the fabrics that are in them, they are AWESOME.

These quilts contain all my favorite things I love about utility quilts. They were made to be used. They use "everyday" fabrics and scraps from household sewing. They are not prefect, but are ordinary well known patterns. They contain "odd ball" fabrics, and many of them show "frugal piecing" where one patch is sewn to another to get a piece that is big enough for the piece needed.

The first one is this Log cabin. It's basically a "summer spread" type...no quilting, but discreetly tied to a striped backing. Look at those fabrics! I think what makes this one interesting is the use of some discreet mediums in the light areas. Lights to this gal meant anything that was lighter than the darks....so there are pastel pinks, blues and yellows in amongst the light shirting prints. I also love that the logs surround a double pink center square instead of a red :c)

This one has no border, but is just simply bound.

The second one is a wonderful Churn Dash. In fact, the quilt was there 6 months ago when I went through that mall, and it didn't have a price on it then, so I passed it by. There are photos of it from the last trip somewhere! Well...it was still there....still no price, so I asked the counter girl if she could call the dealer and find me some info on it. Again...$30.00 SOLD!

I LOVE the row of half blocks.....And that bright bold red plaid amongst the browns. The backgrounds are various, from cream shirtings to a green on light blue...some red on a brown/cream stripe...some simple shirting plaids. And that poison green sashing!

What I also love about this one is the odd borders. Top and bottom are different than the sides....and there are two fabrics used for the binding....a brown for part, a double pink for the rest. Lots of quilts this age have "rounded" corners...not often was binding mitered the way we see it today.

She quilted it really interestingly, putting more into it than just a simple "1/4" around the patch...there are X's and echoed triangles in the corners of the blocks. The top and bottom borders are quilted with a dog tooth zig zag...which is one of my fave things to put in a narrow border, so I really related to this quilt!

The 3rd little ditty...I loved for it's graphic appeal...but it is a ROUGH ROUGH quilt...it felt like the backing was a horse blanket of some sort...the batting was burlap, and the top fabrics were very rough too. The price was more than I could handle,but the over all appeal was great. I bet this was stored in a barn for the past 90 years...it smelled like it! *LOL* Another reason it didn't come home with me because I'd have been afraid to wash it, and really...it was.....well...VINTAGE!

I'd still love to have a peek at the history and the life of this quilt. It just appeals to me, even if it was out of my budget, and offensive to my nose :c)

If you don't hear from me for a few days, don't worry....I'll be back as soon as I am able. I'm road-tripping again!


Quilts And Pieces said...

You always get the best finds!

Barb said...

thanks for sharing those quilts, brings back alot of memories. For some reason the quilters out there are stirring up a bunch of memories for me today. Maybe I am sentimental today??? Loved the quilts and details about them.

Tazzie said...

Gorgeous quilts Bonnie, I love the log cabin, but my favourite is the churn dash quilt. I think it's the poison green that's grabbing me. I think I'll have to add it to the 'must make someday' list.
Travel safely hon

Pat said...

Such interesting pieces.....thanks for sharing them. Enjoy your road trip!

SubeeSews said...

When I first looked at the pics of the log cabin, I thought it was one of your creations. So yes...you had to bring that one home. Love the pink centers too.
And I remember the pic of the Churndash quilt. Glad you got to buy that one.
Maybe the "itchy" quilt was a horse blanket, hence the smell.
Glad you are well and cannot wait to hear from you when you return home again.

Lynn Dykstra said...

I especially like the last one--what use she made of those fabrics. She had a great eye for design.
I've been working on some shirt quilt--focusing on light fabrics to encourage students to not be hemmed in with using just the intensely dark colors. It is fun to see a quilt like this where her neutrals/lights are nothing to write home about, but are used wonderfully.

rcp said...

Thanks for sharing your finds!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You do get around, and you have the treasures to prove it! Well done, Bonnie!!

woolywoman said...

Wow! Cool stuff! I love the third one, but then, I don't have to smell it....(smile) thanks for sharing with us. The prices where you are a very reasonable. The last time I was at the flea markey/ antique fair the lowest price quilt was near a hundred...

WoolenSails said...

Love the treasures you found and even the horse blanket, lol. I do love the graphics on it and the use of color.


Christine said...

We certainly share the same tastes in the old utility quilts. I love them and would have snatched those up in a heartbeat.

Connie said...

I really enjoyed the information you gave on these quilts. It was fun learning what made them special to you.

bingo~bonnie said...

Oh Bonnie, I can't think of a better home for those long lost treasures! ;) That Churn Dash is very intresting how they added only part of the block in the last row ;)

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

YankeeQuilter said...

What great finds! The last one reminded me of the last quilt documentation day we did...a woman was so impressed when I rushed to put on my white gloves...she didn't realize it was because I was afraid of what I might find when I unfolded the "fragrant" quilt!

Helen in the UK said...

You 'find' such wonderful vintage quilts on your travels!! Thanks for sharing :)

Leanne said...

Thank you for sharing your quilts & patterns .

I have been working away on your starstruck - 2 Christmas theme tops.
I put photos on blog this am - thought you may like to have a look.

Love Leanne New Zealand

Renee said...

i'm a sucker for old/vintage quilts. love them all. thanks for sharing. take care.

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