
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Saturday's Helpers?

Or is it HINDERERS?!!

Bless their hearts, they look too cute to be malicious, but so much for my layout!*LOL*

By now, Tonya is in Amsterdam! And I'll be joining her there on Tuesday! I'm dreading this flight. Mostly because of the length of time it takes to get there. My flight is at 12:15pm here from Greensboro, but Jeff has to be to work at 10am, so he is dropping me off at the airport so I don't have to leave a car in the lot. Still, that puts me at the airport 2 1/2 hours EARLIER than I need to be. Which makes for a very long day.

I fly first to Detroit, where I have ANOTHER 2 hour layover. UGH.

My flight to Amsterdam is 7 hours and 40 minutes...blech blech blech.

And arrive in Amsterdam...at 6am! UUUUUURGHGHGHG. Quiltmania is coming at 10am for the interview. Can you say ZOMBIE?! How do you say ZOMBIE in Dutch anyway? Is this a word I need to know? :cD

I'm going to TRY to sleep on the plane,but that has never worked for me in the past. Just too excited, too nervy, too wired!


Unknown said...

They just didn't like your layout and thought they would change it up a bit. I have a couple of those helpers too and they do that all the time. Enjoy your time in Amsterdam.

Idaho Quilter said...

Cats that quilt, if only they could cut fabric too> :)

Maria said...

I have two helpers, too. They´re always ready to help. Good flight

Donna said...

is there a couple of 2 hour project you can take with you and mail home from the airports as before you leave the country that would make the airport time less of a UCK and more of a "oh boy I get the chance to..."?

and drink LOTS of water on the way overseas -- the hydration will help you feel as good as possible at the other end, and getting up to use the washroom will help keep your circulation going while sitting so long :-)

Henny said...

In Dutch the word Zombie is the same ;-)
Have a nice trip.
Greetings from the Netherlands, Henny

SubeeSews said...

Hope you have a safe and fun trip. I have 5 quilty helpers. Even the design wall is not safe as they love to get "under" what I have pinned up there!
What size are your center 9 patches?

jacq said...

You allready know 1 dutch word Zombie, it's the same, I hope you will have a great time in our little country.

Amy said...

I know exactly what you are going through with the cats, do they steal your chair when you get out it also? Have a safe trip and please take pictures to share.most of all HAVE FUN!!

GailM. said...

We had a 3 leg flight from Mexico to the Canadian East Coast last week...and we spent a couple of hours in the Detroit airport. Who did we sit beside in the waiting area, somebody that was from our little city... Go figure... so we spent an hour talking off and on to that guy.. establishing who we knew etc. It was nice. So you never know how unexpedly the time will pass. But the 7 hour flight.. that's a different story.. try to sleep - get some sleepytime music for your ipod. Oh I bet once you get there, the adreneline will keep you perky. Good luck. Travelling before Christmas is not easy.

Robin in Short Pump said...

Bonnie, my former boss gave me this tip before we flew to Germany a few years ago (she traveled a lot more than we ever will). Take a Tylenol PM when you get on the plane for the Detroit-Amsterdam leg. It's not like taking a sleeping pill but it will relax you enough that you should be able to sleep. I can never sleep on a plane and it helped me cross the Atlantic overnight. I'm jealous, would love to be able to go to Europe again, especially on a quilty trip.

Robin in Short Pump

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Have a great trip Bonnie. I love your cats, we use to have a white cat that looks a lot like yours, ours had a green eye and a blue eye - I couldn't tell what color eyes your white cat had. We called ours "oddball" hubbys choice. poor kitty is not with us any longer, was one of our favorites.

Anonymous said...


Mine do the same thing .. even the dog has to get into the act .. lay it out and suddenly the kitty prix 500 is off and running .. BRATS!! quilt blocks EVERYWHERE

oh and I just used my translator (widget) and zombie is the same in english as dutch .. well least that what it tells me ..

to bad I didn't live closer to the DTW, I'm about 1 hour from it :) Enjoy your trip


Lissa Jane said...

my evil puss puss does exactly the same thing.. and cause he is very fluffy i often have to rescue bits of quilts off his bottom! its pretty funny, but I have learnt early on to take a PIC if I like the layout before 'he who thinks he is a quilter' messes it all up for me..

stay safe on your trip.. I caught the 'red eye' to the other side of australia earlier this year, and with the stop over, it took 18 hours to get home with delays, cancellations and time in transit.. I was NOT a happy camper when I got home, had been awake for 18 hours!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie

You will be fine, we fly from Australia to Germany every other year and it takes a 8 hour flight, plus a 13 hour flight and time in between. I used to do it with three children in toe.
I start my holiday at the airport and totally relax, try and get an aisle sit so you can get up whenever you want.
When we immigrated to Australia in 1983 it took us 35 hours to get to Australia with 5 stop-overs.We are going again in Feb.09


Tazzie said...

Your blocks are very cute Bonnie, looks like they're a wonderful scrapbuster.
I know it's hard, but try to get some sleep on the flight, it'll really help for when you get there.
Be sure to have the very best time.

Shari said...

Just say to yourself I could be flying to Perth instead - double digit numbers in air time... Of course Perth would be a great destination and today is sunny and 95F!
The quilt looks interesting and your little helpers are doing a great job...
Merry Christmas!

Julie said...

I have a chihuahua that does my block arranging.

Michelle said...

I'm not a great flyer and I swear by Gravol, the pink stuff, not the ginger version. It helps with the queasies, and it's the same as whacking me over the head with a hammer, I'm out like a light.

My block arrangers are 2 cats and a 130lb dog. Some days I just give up. :)

Jacqui's Quilts said...

Enjoy that trip to Holland Bonnie! Sure wish I could go with you. Maybe someday. Take lots of pictures so we'll hear all about it!

Jacqui in Canada

Lady of the Cloth said...

Got to love those kitties. Your flight doesn't seem ideal, but what an opportunity. Do you have room in your luggage for me??? Have a wonderful time.

Pam in KC said...

They must not have liked your layout. At least that seems to be what I find with my cats. I switch it up some and when the lay on it without stirring, I know I have a winner.
Have fun on your trip.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Bon voyage, Bonnie!

Judy said...

Does anything make you sleepy like benedryl? If so take one and try to sleep on the plane. I'm usually excited too on the plane but after an hour I'd calm down, so 7 hours is a long time.

Have fun!

Loris said...

Bonnie,you are a rich woman with all that feline help. They are so luxurious and beautiful!
Have a wonderful trip and I hope you can rest on the plane!

julieQ said...

Love your blocks, Bonnie!! Please be careful and safe in your travels. Hand work will help pass the time....safe travels mercies to you.

Lori said...

I have helpers too, 4 cats and a small dog. Thankfully your dogs are not helping you too :-) Now that would be very interesting and scary. I like the blocks can't wait to see the finished quilt.

YankeeQuilter said...

Any of the PM's work (Tylenol PM, Advil PM) they really are just a pain reliever with a bit of benadryl added to make you sleepy. The water tip is really, really important too. Remember to get up and really stretch every 3-4 hours. Also, pack your own food...no explanation needed there!

Have fun, fun, fun...

Nane said...

Hope you have a great trip! Yes kitties love to "help" with layouts. I had one jump up on a table and ski all the way across taking my rows with him.

Angie said...

Hope you have a wonderful time on your trip Bonnie. I can't sleep on planes either. The pictures of your cats are sure cute! I see you are getting a new Millie! Can't wait to see your reviews. I always see your quilt blocks displayed on the floor---just curious if you have a design wall. Maybe it's full of other beautiful quilt blocks. :o)

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful trip Bonnie. I hope you get loads of hand work done while you are travelling.

If you sprinkle some pure lavendar oil on small cloth and place it in a plastic bag, then when you are ready to doze on the plane put it near you so you can breath it in(not too close). Don't drink anything with caffeine in it and take some fresh vegetables sticks to munch on so you arrive feeling fresh and vital not clogged up with stodgy snacks.


Desiree said...

I love these scrap blocks! Great work! I can't lay anything out on the floor, I have a 3yr old and an 8mo old who are too much help! LOL! I have 2 flannel backed plastic table clothes tacked flannel side out to a wall that I lay bocks out on. Works wonders!

bingo~bonnie said...

I know i don't need to tell you have fun, as I am sure that is at the top of the list of things to do ;)

Just be sure and share lots of photos - even if you don't have tiem to write.. and I'll be clicking on Lucy's blog to see if you blog from there like you did once before.

thinkng of you - and wishing you a Happy Christmas!!! Love from Texas! ~bonnie

bingo~bonnie said...

that is cute the cats helpin.. I dont' remember where itwas that I saw it but there was a utube video set to music of wehere someone took photos over and over of her animals walking on the blocks as she arranged them. I'm guessin she had it set up on a tripot and took many over and over as she progressed (her out of pic) and whne put together it looked as if the animals had done all the work. very cute. If i find it I'll email ya.. or what a min - maybe you were the one who shared it with us!!! LOL

anyway, I know i don't need to tell you have fun, as I am sure that is at the top of the list of things to do ;)

Just be sure and share lots of photos - even if you don't have tiem to write.. and I'll be clicking on Lucy's blog to see if you blog from there like you did once before.

thinkng of you - and wishing you a Happy Christmas!!! Love from Texas! ~bonnie

Rebecca said...

Lots of water is great advice and they say reducing caffeine consumption, if humanly possible, for a week beforehand is also helpful for your body to adjust but I vote for Ambien for the flight. It's not like asking for an epidural in the parking lot! you won't get addicted, you'll just get some sleep.

Have a wonderful trip.


Waterrose said...

What is about pets and wanting to lay right in the midst of a creation.... My grandparents were from Holland and I so want to see that country!

Hello. I found your blog a while ago and have enjoyed reading it. I was working on a quilting project with Alltop and have included your blog in the quilting blog category. Hope it brings you more traffic.



dutch quilt cat said...

dear bonnie.
we saw each other a few times this week, in haarlem and amsterdam. I as always enjoyed it very much, this afternoon I join your class.
quilt cat Joes

Sweet Woodruff said...

They are acting as quality control. :) My cat does the same thing. Someone told me to make my cat his own quilt. LOL Maybe that's what they are asking.

I miss you and your blog. Hurry home.

Fran said...

Happy Holiday Bonnie... This is like an early Christmas present for you to be re-united with both your best friends. Whooo-Hoooo....I received my book from you today!!! Wow...I can't tell you which one I like best, I like them all. But Imust say I won't live long enough to put 10,000
1.5" squares together. *lol*

Have fun... Merry Christmas to you and yours...


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