Remember that song?
"If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the mornin' I'd hammer in the evenin' All over this land..."
Well, that's how I've been feeling. Ever since getting the walls painted, and my efforts to hang everything back UP.
There are at least THREE hammers in this household that I am aware of. But does ANYONE ever put them back where they got them? NO! ARGHGHG!!!!
SO..today...lookee what I bought for ME! It's Pink....and since it's PINK they better keep their paws off!
It has ALL the goodies you see on the label.....pink and purple EVERYTHING! MINE...all MINE. The first person I see who is NOT me with these pink/purple tools in their mitts better watch out.....more better yet, go find their own tools wherever they left them because I know they left them SOMEWHERE!
Cost for cool pink tool case with tools? $20 bucks.
Having my own tools when and where I need them (and PINK!)? PRICELESS!
P.S. So many people have mailed to ask where I got the lovely pink tools....where else? WALMART! :cD
Where did you buy your lovely pink bag?
And what company makes this lovely set? Do they also do pink extension cords.
Teacups in one post, and hammers in the next!!!! LOL You're truly a Renaissance woman!
You go girl!!! I have my own toolbox too!
Brilliant! Hope I can find something similar over here - I'd love my own set of tools :-)
Good luck keeping those tools! I have had at least three differnt sets of my own tools. And the men in this house always take them and use them. And leave them who knows where!
I'm with Anita a pink extensoin cord!!!
Good luck with keeping them all to yourself.
Too too funny - I have always had a house full of men and I resorted to using hot pink nail polish and printing MOM on the handles of MY screwdrivers and tape measure and hammer... and woe to any male found using MY tools. Gotta love the universality of this one!
Hey I need that too - Wal-Mart huh, I will have to put it on my shopping list and look for it the next time I run in there.
Bonnie-isn't it fun to be the only girl in a house full of boys?
what a great gift this would be for any Bride-to-Be!!! She may not see the value in it or appreciate it te dayshe opens it up... but later on down the road seh will.
I also think this would make a great Secret Santa gift for the exchange game our fmaily plays each year... and the price is right on budget too ;) perfect..
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
I grew up as 1 of 3 girls. My dad had us to play with, so obviously we can all throw a football, and change a tire, etc. One Christmas (I think we were about 2/5/7) My dad got us hammers for Christmas. Later in the day we went out to the garage picked a color of spray paint and painted our hammers. Mine was pink, my sisters' silver and gold. It made it quite helpful to find a hammer with so many around. It also made it easier for my dad to recruit us to work on projects since "we had our own tools." I still have my pink hammer, the paint is now very faded and doesn't look "pink" unless your looking for it. It is a reminder of my great dad and how much he loves us.
Years ago, I too sounded like you, going after my two teenage boys looking for my tools. Well, I spay painted them pink and painted flowers on them, It worked for a few months, then the boys found black spray paint and re-painted them. BEWARE! Hide the black paint.
Now I know what I want for Christmas!!!
I need some of those. I went in search of a screwdriver the other day and got so frustrated!
Nice tool bag! I got myself my own tool kit years ago, but it's not nearly as cute as that one, darn it.
I have that bag too!! those tools come in handy and it is nice to be able to find them when we need them.
Being a very practical person, I have often given a tool bag as a gift as a shower present, making sure it is as feminine-looking as possible, so no GUY will usurp it! And I've heard from these gals, years later, that the tool bag/box was one of their BEST gifts - much better than a blender or sets of towels! LOL
Good suggestion that you bought your OWN PINK TOOL BAG!!!
HI Bonnie,
Glad you made it back home safe and sound! It is snowing here in Wisconsin again. Just a dusting to make the deer hunters giddy. (that starts this saturday) And the retreat will be taken over with testosterone dripping down the walls. **my husband uses the 'pink' tools just as easily. Hide them. Patsy
I need a set like this too. I'm also trying to find a hammer or screw driver and have to just about turn the house upside down to find it, if I'm lucky!!. I looked on walmart.com and it is not on there, but I will keep an eye out for it next time I go there.
Thanks for the photo of your tool tote and for saying where you bought it. I got one today for my 12 year old granddaughter's Christmas present! Girls gotta have tools!
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