
Monday, October 13, 2008

Home Again! But not for long....

I'm living out of a suitcase! Even at home! Heck, it makes life easier you know? 4 outfits..all interchangeable..like kid's GARANIMALS! (Do they still have those?)

I got home, went to bed...this morning I unloaded my suitcase to wash my dirties, and will just repack them, because tomorrow I leave for Alabama and Georgia!

I will have a bit of respit in the middle. I'm attending the South East Dear Jane Retreat after visiting Opelika and Auburn AL, and Carterville GA. 3 days for me to stay in one place and finally SEW! Only problem...I don't know what to bring with me!

The nearly insane stuff is all packed in one container, so that will probably be it. And I have a hand quilting project....and a small binding to finish. Tada. That should do it for 3 days, don't you think? Maybe I can fit a couple naps and some long country autumn walks in there too?

Those 8 cases of books? They didn't go far enough! *LOL* The arrived the afternoon I left for PA, and now.....poof! Gone! I'm getting out what I can before I leave tomorrow. Needless to say, the fact that it is COLUMBUS DAY completely escaped me, and when I tried to mail off a huge shipment this morning...I was greeted with a locked door, reflecting the bewildered look on my face!

Oh well. What's a girl to do?!

I don't even know where to START on the photos from PA!Every day was an adventure! Here are the pics from the Pineapple blossom class held in Holidaysburg, PA. The home of the SLINKY. The home of Mallow Cups....the home of wonderful quilters!

Altoona Pineapple Blossom Class
The classes were Friday and Saturday, so Sunday and Monday were rest days, but we filled them up! Bedford PA has an annual Fall Foliage Festival complete with a little quilt show.
I got pics of the guys pressing cider! You should have smelled it...oh my! The food, the fun, the vendors...it was great. I spent a couple nights with Carol and her mom and their Bedlington Terriers. TOO CUTE! I'd never seen this kind of dog before. They are darling. And upon hearing that I was looking to adopt a Singer 301...Carol took me up to her attic to show me "UGLY BETTY"...a poor dilapidated singer 301 that needed a home. It was found after spending all winter outside in a tent at a flea market. Amazing girl...a bit ugly, but she runs! I'll get pics when I have more time.

From Carol's house I was transferred to the home of the Goulionis Sisters! I hope I spelled that right...I couldn't remember! Libby is the Quilter, her sister is the best cook I've come across...I love Greek food, so I was in for a treat at every meal.

After Altoona, I went NP to stay with Nancy overnight...you read her comments if you visited the links I left last post. If not...do it! It is too funny!

PA Travels
Next was Lancaster County! I met up with Connie who I have emailed back and forth with for years....she and I are cut from the same (scrappy) cloth as the saying goes! We tried as hard as we could to find some Amish type touristy photo opps, but there were not many on a thursday afternoon. And everything we drove past,we were going too fast to get...but here is a little slide show to give you an idea. I love seeing Amish Wash floating on the line..Just LOVE it. We saw girls being pulled by mule teams harvesting fields, young boys running pushbikes up the side of the road, it was just like out of a picture book. Just no great photos, mostly due to the fact that I know they don't like their photos taken.

From there it was to Chambersburg where I was welcomed by Nancy AKA Patchwork Penguin and her family! Time time really did go too fast. Beth came all the way up from MD for the class, showing up in her Quiltville.com Tshirt with the caption "I'm a Bonnie Junkie" *LOL* I'm sure she gets strange looks, but hey....we have fun, don't we Beth? :cD I was even inducted into the "Sundae Quilters" Bee...complete with a pizza party and ice cream sundaes after! TOO FUN! I know I'll be seeing these girls again.

Thanks everyone in Pennsylvania for making this such a memorable trip. There is so much else I want to share and say....like THE MEADOWS frozen custard shops!! OH MY! But time is short and I need to get moving so I'm ready to leave tomorrow.

Take care Ya'll..I won't be too far away!


Barb said...

Bonnie ~ Sooooooooo envious here in Central PA ~ and don't you think Lancaster County is just beautiful ~ one of my favorites for sure! OK the next time you are coming to PA I WANTA BE there with you :oD, it's just not fair that I missed you this trip! Have a great day, and a wonderful trip coming up!

Lise said...

wow I am also envious,,,lol,, very beautiful pics and someone is very busy LOL.. Im looking forward in seein what your next adventure will bring...have fun and happy stitching...Lise

Katie said...

Sigh.... And I have to wait until 2009 sometime for you to come right over here to Raleigh.

Did somebody say patience is a virtue??? :-)

Tonya Ricucci said...

oh my, you're making my head spin. when do you sleep????

Clare said...

Do you get time to eat (stupid question) and sleep? Don't burn yourself out otherwise you'll end up bedbound and that will *not* be a good idea :-)

Youve got me into trouble again over at Dordogne Quilter, but wait until you get back.

MJHarker said...

BTW--they still have "Garanimals" out there--at Walmart! My kids have donned their T-shirts/sweatshirts many times. :o) Wish I could have smelled the freshly pressed cider with you!
Lots of Love!


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