
Monday, October 27, 2008

Autumn in Quiltville

I woke this morning feeling a chill,but knowing it wouldn't last for long...the sun is out :c) I'm one of those who LIKE Daylight savings time in the fall because then I can crawl out of bed an hour earlier. I don't like getting up in the dark...so today...I didn't!

As I looked out my kitchen window while waiting for water to boil for tea, I saw the play of the morning sun on the turning leaves and just had to grab my camera. What I can capture with a digital image, can't really show you just how fresh and woodsy it smells out there!

Looking up through the leaves from below at the sky....

Our little creek at the back of the property is mostly dry,but it runs after a storm! Buddy loves this creek. He is a water dog for sure,you can't keep him out of it! Of course, it is only deep enough for him to lie in it and get his belly wet :c)

Looking up from our backyard along the powerline path. I love that there are no fences out there...don't fence me in!

The back of the house looking up from the grassy area before you get to the creek. The leaves were blowing as I took this pic..I don't think you can see them falling. That hottub in the gazebo is one of my favorite things about this house....BLISS!

Again, from the house looking down towards the creek....

More limbs and leaves....

Looking up...seeing all the greens and golds in all their glory, every shade in between, each leaf an individual part of the whole. Isn't it wondrous?


Fran said...

What a beautiful place to live. Your own little piece of heaven.

It's nice to have you back even if it's just for a few days.


Marianne said...

You hit a nerve with me with your comment about Daylight Saving Time! It doesn't allow you to get up an hour later and not arise in the dark! With DST it is light at 7:15 am, but with Eastern Standard Time it would be light at 6:15 am. (Just a pet peeve of mine.) Did your Toby ever come back?

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Your house looks amazing. Love all the trees. Very pretty.

bingo~bonnie said...

Oh Bonnie, your property is so beautiful. I am so happy that you and yoru family found such a great place to live in NC.

and with all the traveling miles you have been doing recently it must me so nice to come "HOME" to suzy a cozy piece of heaven on earth :)

You are so lucky to live in a region of our country that the leaves change many shades before falling. That's one of the things I miss the most here in Texas. :(


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