Yep, I'm up early! Too much to do today to sleep in!
Fist item on the agenda? Tackle the "IN COMING" Mail here at Quiltville! I've been so busy with the OUT GOING mail over the weekend, that I left this job for this morning when I had some peace and quiet here in the house.
I received not one, but THREE suspicious squishies! *LOL* I looked at the names on the return address labels and I swear I never ordered things from these people, so what could they be sending me in the mail?
You guys are SO fun!
Judi sent me strips and squares from the swaps on Quiltvilleswap@yahoogroups.com! THANKS GALS! These are GREAT! And they are just what I need to spice up my own scraps that are starting to look "same 'ole, same 'ole" to me! I love them! And the extra fabric too. I've always got use for that, even if it goes into a charity quilt, it is much appreciated!
And look...Kathi C is a blog lurker and sent me some pieces from her Orange Crush quilt, along with a "SPARE" Rotary cutter for me to keep in my suitcase when I travel so I don't leave one at home! *LOL* She read about me being rotary-cutter-less on my last trip! Thanks Kathi...this will now be the "glove box" rotary cutter! *LOL* I suppose I could use it as a weapon in a pinch, right? :c) You are terrific!
You know how you get attached to certain things you are used to? These blue dritz 45mm cutters with the spring loaded blade guard and rubber handle are my FAVE!

Katheryn also sent a squishie along with extra postage she forgot to include on her book order. WOW! These are great!
I feel like it's my Birthday or something :c), only one that doesn't add any more numbers to my age!

Does this come naturally with pets, or is he just a quick learner? I was working on my Fungly Challenge last night, and Toby had to park himself right in the center! What do you think of this funky bright yellow with purple stripe? Isn't it PERFECT!? Okay, Perfectly Fungly!Actually, it really brought all these weird blocks together. I tried EVERYTHING in my stash, which is extensive, more than extensive. THIS ONE is what the quilt wanted.
I was going to set the blocks together without sashing between, but it was so mucky, and you couldn't really see the funny fabrics if they were all up against each other. So..I switched gears and plain ole sashing it is. I should get the top finished,at least the center part today. Then I'm off to the Post Office with the carload of books.
I packaged up ALL the book orders I could, and am waiting for more books to arrive. I needed two cases to go to Pennsylvania with me Thurs...so I held those back in case the books don't come before I go. Fingers crossed that more will arrive in the next couple days and I can do another round of "going postal in the dining room" before I head to Altoona!
Love the yellow with purple stripe. It does make it as you said it perfectly fungly! And no, you aren't up to early, I just got home from working a night shift.
Fun mail! Nice to get surprises. I like the yellow too! Looks great with the dog on it too.
Who can argue with Toby, the yellow sets this quilt top to singing. ~safe travels~
Hello Bonnie, a salute from Rome. Ciao
Sleep girl sleep! The yellow sashing is wonderful!! Good Eye!! I'm glad you'll be taking my advice of having a rotary cutter in the glove box as a weapon...even though too funny if you really think about it. In case your wondering...brain needed a break!
OMG! Altoona? that's like just about 20 miles from me (Port Matilda). Where in Altoona? Why?
Love the yellow sashing! Toby, on the other hand, wanted black fabric in the sashing. That's what he was trying to show you!
I love the yellow sashing with your fungly blocks and think it looks great! Maybe Toby thinks you need help laying out the quilt? My cat is always "helping" me that same way.
I think it is something every cat and dog are born with--get on what ever project Mom is working on!!! Diamond, my lab mix and Tiny, 5 lb calico cat always get on whatever project I'm working on. However they have the preferences-Diamond prefers quilt blocks and Tiny knitting. However if Mom puts it down it is time to set or roll on it!!! Take care!!!
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