
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Backtracking to Thursday...

I was so discombobulated by the book arrival that I forgot to post about Thursday's Charity bee! I just so dearly love these Ladies. They have no idea what a life line they've been to me. Mrs Goodneedle, Holly, Martha Claire (Who will tell you in her best Charleston accent that it is NEVER just Martha,but always Martha Claire, as her mama said!) These ladies took me in when I was a stranger in town and gave me a place to call home right away. THANK YOU LADIES! It's nice to have a place to set down some roots and feel grounded.

This week I am happy to show how many hands make light work of tying a Hearstrings top into a finished quilt! Mary Johnson, this one you can add to your totals! I don't think they have it bound yet,and I won't be there next week to see it finished,but consider it done. The ladies are donating quilts to the South West Indian Project. At least I think that's the right name. Everyone LOVED the bright colors in this quilt. They tied it and backed it with red, and it will have red binding.

I pieced a little animals streak of sunshine for my project.

The borders look like Halloween, don't they? It turned out cute. I was also given some other novelty fabric to cut into kits like this. They sew so fast. You'll probably get tired of seeing me show these in every fabric combination I can come up with, but when I can make and donate a top in 2 hours, why switch gears? This way I can talk talk talk and not have to pay too close attention to what I'm doing, I've made so many of these!


Unknown said...

Fabulous to have a group of friends to do what you love to do!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You have blessed this group likewise... thank YOU!

Lise said...

Sorry Bonnie, you won't tire me out with all these lovely quilt pics lol,, and your sure are right, lots of hands..looks like everyone is having fun....keep on quilting...Lise

Julie said...

I have that same green frog fabric!

Mary Johnson said...

Bonnie, thanks so much! I'll add this to our donations database.

Can I use these photos on the HeartStrings blog? I've never tied a quilt myself but one of the instruction sheets I want to write up is for tying HeartStrings quilts for people who don't have access to quilters who can machine quilt them. In the meantime, I'd love to share the photos of your group tying this quilt.

Maria said...

congratulations for having so many hands working on the quilt, and for your new book, too.

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

My Nana used to tie many of our quilts -with sturdy red wool yarn left-over from our mittens and head warmers! She had 2 different "ties" - 1 looked like a V the other was a simple knot with a tuft. She often used cordoroy mixed with novelty. Kids have a different eye for quilts - we LOVED everything she made!!! I love your donation quilt pattern - so easy to make and KID friendly!!! Isn't that the point? My son loves it when I back his quilts in flannel or fleece - soft and snuggly. Nana used that satin blanket binding on ours - and we loved to "finger" it as we went to sleep - wore them out and she would replace them!! Good job Bonnie!

And on friends - how wonderful to find a group of friends with similar interests to welcome you as a friend!!! Friends are priceless. Hold them dear.


JillO in MT said...

Is that a straight needle they are using to tie the quilt? I use a curved needle. It works really slick.

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