
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rainy Tuesday...

I think the song was "Rainy Days and Mondays"...but here it's Rainy Days and Tuesdays! It started pouring early this morning. A very welcoming restful sound, and I allowed myself to sleep in. BLISS! There was no way to go walk the dogs this morning. Buddy LOVES water, but Sadie? She is such a dainty NON-water dog....she didn't even want to be let outside to do her business. She searches for the driest spot she can find and then runs back to the door completely disgusted that she had to get wet in the process!

This also means that it was not a good day to get a good photo of Old Tobacco Road. Never mind..I just plopped him over the Way-too-big-tv and did what I could. I'll get better ones another day. I didn't even get a good detail shot of the quilting because the light in that room is pretty dim. Taking pics without flash just turned out yucky. With flash? Too much light. Just a bad photo day all around.

I did get a pic of the label,you can see the fun cigars! Okay, this pic is blurry too. I give up!

I took a pic of the Lil Amish Crumbie after putting the binding on. I'm taking Jeff to school in a bit..he can't ride his scooter in this kind of rain, and it isn't worth it for me to drive back and forth to get him. So while he's there, I'll be stitching the binding and sleeve down!

I've been a bit more label-ready since I took someone's advice to print out a bunch of generic ones, and just leave room for the quilt title and the date or any other note I wanted to add.

Yesterday I went to the Ben Franklin in Kernersville (Which I heard is closing! I'm not sure if it is a rumor or not, I HOPE NOT!) and picked up some embroidery needles and some black pearl cotton. Now that the Amish Crumbie is done, I want to try big stitching on something else. I hope it goes fast. I really REALLY need to spend more time completing these finished tops into quilts, instead of building more tops....but I so love to PIECE! I guess it's a good dilemma to be in.


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You find yourself in the best of all dilemmas, if you ask me! ;)

Donna said...

your crumble turned out wonderfully. I love the pure colour tones that show on my screen and the way the yellows just sparkle.

Sunny said...

Oh Bonnie, regardless of poor lighting for photos, that quilt is stunning. I love it. Terrific work.

Anonymous said...

I thought Ben Franklin already went out of business. They close all the stores around Harrisburg Pa about 5 years(roughly).

Anonymous said...

Another quick tip for labels (especially if you already have some generic ones done up) is to use the remainder of your binding as a border on the label.

As soon as you finish sewing on the binding, put four little borders on your label with the leftover bit of binding. You get a nice edge (the folded edge) on the outside of the label that's easy to sew down and it can be done while you are hand sewing the binding.

Actually, maybe that's what you usually do, but I just thought I'd share. :)


Frauke said...

wonderfull colours in this Quilt, like it
I am from north Germany

Fran said...

Bonnie as 'Sunny' said that quilt IS stunning. I have all my fabrics picked out and put aside for this quilt, I even printed out the pattern to go in the bag with them, but the 'Old Tobacco Road' will have to be put on hold until I finish a few of the things I've already have on the go. I swear you must have been born with an extra pair of hands for all that you get done.(*LOL*) I've never known anyone who can quilt as fast as you do. AND it's not all machine quilted. Your a marvel.
And Oh, that little Amish quilt is adorable also. I especialy like the 'feathers' in the border. I'm inspired, now and off to my sewing machine.


Pattie D said...

Love, Love, Love the Old Tobacco Road! Thanks for a wonderful mystery...now to get busy on mine! I hope it is have as gorgeous as yours...I'll be happy with that.
Thanks again Bonnie for all your talents that you share!

Marianne said...

Wait until you're 50, THAT is the big one.
Picked up a copy of Quiltmaker at Joann's yesterday. Love, love, love your Patches & Pinwheels!

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