
Saturday, September 06, 2008

Oh Yes, Part 5!!

I got PART 5 written and uploaded yesterday. What a pain it is to have to completely reload a computer with all of the programs I use. URGH. There is still some stuff that isn't on here yet,but I figure I'll load them as I need them.

So get yourself busy and make yourself 94 flying geese along with everything else you have going this weekend! :cD

And those of you on the NC coast....batten down the hatches and be safe. I've been watching the weather channel, because I'm supposed to head to Brunswick County tomorrow for teaching on Monday and Tuesday! It's a good thing I'm Quilter and not a Beach Dweller. I can be perfectly contentedly happily sewing away in a rain storm. Even if the power goes out, I have hand work! If not that...it's blissful to have quiet time to flip through some magazines or unwind while reading a good juicy novel.

It started pouring here in Wallburg, NC around midnight last night and hasn't stopped yet. We are looking at some flash flooding in some areas, but so far so good here.

And because I *AM* a quilter, I'm going to brave the rain and meet up with the Ms Bee Havens (Mrs Goodneedle included!)for our "In Town Retreat!". One of the gals has gotten us access to her church building, and we can show up as early as 8 am and sew til dinner time (6 to7pm) and then we head out to this great Italian eattery to cap it all off. Who said retreats have to be expensive and far away? I love this group, they are SEW FUN!


Sue said...

Wow! It looks fantastic, Bonnie. The flying geese really finish it off. You did a great job. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Quilt turned out great (as usual)! I'm curious what your working on at your sewing bee today!

Misty said...

Wow, this turned out to be so beautiful! I wanted to take part in this but had too much going on that weekend. It's on my list of projects I want to try in the near future. Thanks for taking the time to put this all together. We all appreciate your hard work, talent, and dedication to the quilting community!

Nancy said...

You are a committed quilter, up at 549 am to blog and then head to a retreat, or maybe you SHOULD be a committed quilted?! Have a great day and be safe in the wind, rain and flooding.

Tazzie said...

Bonnie, I love love love this quilt. I won't be able to make it just yet, but this one is going on to my 'must do' list. Thank you so much for all you do for us.
*big hugs*

Betsy said...

you'll be safe. Hurricanes don't get into the mountains too much there.

Pattie D said...

Thanks for this newest mystery! I am so excited to get started on mine! You are fabulous. Your "In Town Retreat" sounds perfect...a day of sewing, topped with Italian dinner...what more could a girl ask for, enjoy yourself and be safe in your crazy weather.

Not Lucy said...

The quilt is gorgeous! I have not been working along with you on this one because 1) I was out of town; 2) I am busy painting the outside of my house; and 3) I have too many other projects to finish right now but I think I will print the info out or at least save a link for later when I have time and need a project to use up more scraps!

Nancy said...

Oh, what a great idea to have an In-Town sew-in.... And going out to dinner at the end (with snippets of thread on every visable surface) sounds great!!

Thanks for the idea! I might try that...

bingo~bonnie said...

oh Bonnie, Tobacco Roads turned out so much prettier than any old tobbaco I remember plantng, pullin, settin, hoein, toppin, choppin, spearin, or strippin, tiein, or balein growing up as a kid in Kentucky. :)

Those boarder are perfect! Happy Weekend and Love from Texas! ~bonnie

Nancy Page said...

You are sparking an interest in scrap quilts in my quilting heart. This Tobacco Road is really interesting. There is something about a scrap quilt that makes your eyes jump all over the top to see everything that is there. They make your eyes dance. Thank you for sharing. Have a great quilting day. Miss Nancy

Churn Dash said...

Bonnies, I love how the flying geese border came out! I love the overall quilt, too. When I grow up I want to be a quilter like you.

I joined some 2 inch strips the other day, using a 45 degree cut. I couldn't throw away the pieces left when cutting the angle. Now to find some way to store them, lol.

Churn Dash

Karen L. said...

Hi Bonnie from you neighbor to the East in NC. That is one beautiful quilt! The colors are gorgeous! It's an eye popper for sure. Think I may have to save the steps for this and put it on my list to do. You must have used miles of thread. I also look forward to being able to buy your new book. Looks like your "green" philosophy finally came into vogue. Congratulations!

julieQ said...

Ok, Miss Bonnie, you hooked me! With that lovely border, you landed me hook, line and sinker. I have been watching this one grow and admiring the progress...but I have to jump in now! I have cut all my pieces, just waiting for some sewing time!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I need to make some flying geese Bonnie. What method do you use? blessings, marlene

Unknown said...


I love Flying Geese blocks not sure why I just think they are so neat like the way i feel about good old Churn Dash Blcoks i just love them so am more than happy o make heaps of them for this and after reading your other post will make sure I cut off those Bonus half square triangles and have some of those ready to roll as well.

Glad the rain is getting you but not the winds stay safe and dry


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