
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Needs another border?

I can't decide....one more border? Or quilt it as is and just bind it in the same blue as the zig zag fabric? This is the "Stars Over Shallotte" That I put together a few weeks ago.



Anne said...

Yes, that blue print would be great.

Stephanie D said...

I'm thinking another solid border would give it a completed look.

Colleen and Jason said...

I can see either one working out well. My vote, and this is cause I am a "finisher" (UFOs drive me crazy, I have 10+ of them, but they still drive me crazy) is to bind it in that pretty blue and call it done. If you were to do another border, I'd want it in that blue if possible. Or a nice dark chocolate brown. How's that for no definitive answer? :)

Salem Stitcher said...

I love for one more border. I like my borders to equal at least half the size of the block or I feel they get lost.

I just love that blue! When you were working on it at the guild sew day, I couldn't stop staring at it. It is a perfect choice.

Three Birds Inspired said...

One more border...a little wider?

Not Lucy said...

I would go for another border in the blue if you have it and then bide it either in the blue or maybe the red of the small inner border.

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

I vote for leaving it as is and bind it in the blue! Absolutely gorgeous!

Sherry said...

I vote for another border. . .and I agree that I think using the blue fabric would be terrific.

pwl said...

I vote for another border too :) If it were mine, I'd choose a blue.

Brenda said...

I vote for another border, in blue if you can. Lovely quilt.

KaleidoscopeKim said...

Definitely vote for another blue border with perhaps red binding.
Awesome quilt!

Unknown said...

I vote for another thin border in the background blue if you ahve any left just a narrow one the same width as the brown border to help carry the binding.

angela in australia

Melodie said...

I would definitely go for another border, at least as wide as the blue, maybe the width and the blue plus the binding width so it will look the same width in the end.

Unknown said...

I guess I am the black sheep in the bunch, I like it as is. No more borders.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'd do another border as well. The blue or perhaps the colour of the first narrow border. Pretty great quilt i must add!

Joyce said...

I also think it needs another border to complete it and also to stabilize the pieced border.

Vicki said...

I vote for another border also. maybe the red of the inner border and the same size, then bind in the blue.


Katie Z. said...

I also vote for another border os that lovely blue!

Anonymous said...

I think another border with the blue would finish it off.


Marge said...

This is a striking quilt, but I think that it will be even more gorgeous with another border. I, too, vote for more of that striking blue!

Anonymous said...

Those big areas of blue make the current, skinny border look unbalanced to me. So yup, another vote for another border, preferably blue.

The Army of Four said...

We vote for one more border, the width of the red OUT of red (that one or another one) then bind in blue. Or blue and a bit of red pieced in.
From the Ao4 and our mom,
Dave, Guide Dog for the Color Blind

Kelli said...

Add me to the "one more border" group.

pondering...Unless of course you want to buck convention and do the unexpected thing. Live on the wild side? ~ksp

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie,
yes you should add one more border...how about the blue as a border and then make a scrappy binding using all the fabrics in the quilt!
Pam at autumnstylequeen@yahoo.com

Lynn Dykstra said...

It's done. Bind it.

Bonnie said...

I agree with it needing another border. But, I would audition a few fabrics. I'm guessing the blue would be what would say perfect to me, however, it might be the red (or is that brown?) or maybe that nice burgundy showing in one of the blocks. Audition a few different colors and widths. The right one might just grab you by the neck and demand that you pick it! (ok, I've gone completely over the edge tonight!) Bonnie/PA

Teri said...

I vote for another border. Blue if you have it. Binding in the red would finish it off.

Katie said...

I think another border. :-)

Marianne said...

Haven't read all the other comments, but to me it definitely needs another border, perhaps more of that blue you used for the zig zag?

Fran said...

What a great idea to do a zig-zag border for a zig-zag quilt.
But I tend to agree with the majority, another border, in the blue if you have it.
Add a touch of red or (I'm going out on a limb here) but I think yellow binding would be lovely.
I told you before when you first showed us the quilt that I thought it looked like jewels. Well I still think so and I love yellow and blue, and... I just like to be a bit different than the rest...(*LOL*)


Mary Johnson said...

I guess I agree with the crowd - it seems to need a final frame and I don't think the binding alone is strong enough.

D Rubio said...

Just my humble opinion to the master.:) I think another plain/dark border would highlight the lovely pieced border that you have on now.

Heidi said...

I vote for another border too

Tonya Ricucci said...

so mamy differing opinions, still hard to decide. I'd go with another border. wide. I'd choose red - or at least audition it. I do love those Ts.

Sue H said...

I'm with all the "blue" people. I thought the same thing as many others -- it doesn't seem quite balanced. Blue, wider than the present border, bound in the zippy red or paprika color. Yum!

The Calico Cat said...

I always ask - "Is it big enough?" If it is, it is done.

With that said, if you want another border, I would use that orangey red that you used for the narrow inner border - blue too mee seems a bit expected...

Love the zig zag setting - I hope you emphasize that in the quilting...

Amy said...

I think another border would make those zig zags POP!

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