
Tuesday, September 16, 2008


My sister just turned 30!!! Oh my GOODNESS. She was born when I was 16, so that has to make me ummm......at least......3 feet under on my way to 6 feet under?!

Happy Birthday Joy! I'm glad you had a great one. And I have to say, that with every passing year you get more and more lovely, not just on the outside, but on the inside. from the bottom of my heart...Love You!


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

What a sweet tribute! What does that make me? My DAUGHTER turned 32 this year!?! I swear I don't feel like a dinosaur...

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Joy!

Not Lucy said...

Oh, give me a break - you are still young! I am nearly 50 (3 months and 1 day from now) and I don't think I am all that old! And I am a grandmother!

Jeannine said...

I know exactly how you feel. My "baby sister" turned 30 last year. She was born when I was 15! Just remember you are only as old as you feel, and from reading your blog, you are not letting any grass grow under your feet, so don' worry about it!

Linda said...


MJHarker said...

Thanks, Bonnie!!! So....does that make me about 2 feet under? :oD Love you, too! Joy

Anonymous said...

Naw, I'm STILL older than you and I turned 18 2 weeks after my baby brother was born! He turned 32 this past February! But, you definitely have one cute, cute niece!

Robin in Short Pump said...

I know the feeling. I was 14 when my sister was born and I used to wonder what we would be like when she was 30. Well now, she's going to be 40 in a few months. If you think you're old now... LOL

Robin in Short Pump

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