
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Antiquing and Junking from Shallotte to Wallburg...

I know I know...4 posts in one day is a bit over the top for me, but I'm going to be busy tomorrow and over the weekend and since I just finished uploading this stuff,I thought I could quickly upload the slide show and let you see the goodies that came home with me! Nothing big, but all fun!

Antiquing and Junking from Shallotte NC

Be sure to click on the link above, and then click on each photo individually to read my caption about each pic ;c)

1 comment:

rcp said...

Are you related to that little Energizer bunny? You keep going and creating and piecing and quilt and going and going!!! You make me tired by just reading all you do!!! LOL!!! What's your secret? Please share it!!!

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