
Friday, July 18, 2008

Thanks for the Shout Out, Mark!

I am so tickled to get a Shout Out in the July/August issue of Mark Lipinski's Quilter's Home Magazine! I love this magazine, I find the articles fun and informative, brash and splashy, what a great read! Who can resist articles titled things like "Bankrupt For Cotton" or "When Good Longarmers Go Bad" *LOL*

My blurb is found on page 46 of "Free, Fun and Fabulous Freebies on page 46.

It says:

I love Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville website and lost myself for hours, looking at all her great stuff. In addition to lots of free patterns and clearly written instructions, I love-love-love her pointers on managing your scraps and your stash. You'll find this info in her Tips and Techniques section. Bonnie also has lots of great strip piecing quilts, tips and patterns, many of which are perfect for charity projects.

When I read stuff like this, how trivial does a dress size become? Extremely!

Quilter's Home is published by CKMedia, and I am going there next week to meet everyone! Weeeeee! I can't wait. That and the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum are really going to be highlights of my trip I think. As well as meeting everyone in my classes.

Oh, and just for fun....last night before going to bed I was playing with some blocks on the floor. I turned around and lo and behold, Chloe had plopped herself smack dab in the middle of the blocks. They'd only been on the floor for 3 minutes! I guess I am in good company down here, we are both fluffy girls! I couldn't resist trying to get her to talk to you on camera :c)


Betsy said...

I am glad you are feeling better.
If someone has an issue with your size which is quite small to me then they are just jealous of you and your success.

Anonymous said...

That's it! I've got to get over there and meet Chloe. You sound better today. SMILE

Charlotte said...

Good morning Sunshine,
The Book counter didn't work for me, Put me down for at least 4. Hope your voice is better, I so miss visiting Chloe, Sadie, Buddy, and all my human family at Quiltville. You want to see someone that is FAT. Go to my site and look at that women holding Avory. I am on a quest to get it off. The funny thing about weight. It comes on you when you can handle it the least, I/We love you just the way you are. Do friends see the gray, moles, bad teeth or weight or color for that matter? No, They do not. You do what feels right to you and shame on that unfeeling aquaintance cause she/he isn't a friend.
Big hugs from Columbia

Jan said...

Looks like Chloe has truly found a good home. Great Shout Out in the mag. Can't wait for your new book. Be sure to let us all know when we can order an autographed copy from you directly.

Ann said...

I haven't met a cat yet that could resist quilts, quilt blocks, or fabric. They just have to sit on them.

noocha said...

Hey Bonnie! I love you girl! I read your blog every day, wouldn't miss it for anything. Wish I lived closer cause we'd definitely hang out. Chloe is a sweetheart. I loved hearing her this morning. Thanks so much for the meows!

Lori said...

Chloe is just a lovebug!! And can she help it if she has to keep you on the straight and narrow by approving your quilt block layouts?? A quilt mascot's job is never ever done! Whoever gave up a gorgeous cat like that is insane...lucky for you though!! lol

I like Quilter's Home mag too. I just sent in a subscription because my LQS doesn't seem to carry it anymore and it's hit or miss when I check at the bookstore.

Lori in VA

Judy said...

YEP, she's a ragdoll! Walk, plop and roll over for the tummy rub!

I'm so happy she's doing well! Don't worry about the pounds...I put on 12 or 14 just not being able to sew for 4 weeks, and my doctor gave me a nice pep talk today to get going.

Michele Bilyeu said...

And just think...I almost met you at Sisters ;) So, are you saying if I had done my own shout out 'Quiltville! Quiltville! I might have been right up there with Mark Lipinski? That's what I get for going for ice cream, instead ;)

Diane said...

Hi Bonnie! When will you be at the museum? I am headed to Colorado for a couple of days and the museum is on my agenda, maybe we will bump into each other. I hope you have fun while your there.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh she is loving the lovin!

Anita said...

Isn't it wonderful when your cats talk to you and want belly rubs. I have three who have to have belly rubs several times a day. I also want copies of your book when it is published. Will order as soon as I can when you let us know. Soon to be living in Rupert, Idaho.

Barb said...

I would say "someone needs to get a life" if the only thing they can do is travel thru the blogs and look at the size of a person and criticize! YOU ARE GREAT, try to consider that person must have a problem of their own (jealousy)! I know the comment must have hurt deeply, and it is hard to erase it from your mind, but you are so busy that focusing on that will help. Quilting cures many things! I love your blog and I read it everyday! You are kind and always willing to share so much with all of us, I FOR ONE APPRECIATE EVERY WORD OF WISDOM and LIFE that comes from your blog entries! As for the books *2 please*, when will we know to order them? ((hugs)) coming your way!

Fran said...

Nice 'shout' from Mark and soooooooooo true.

I just love this site and Quiltville is on my desktop reserved for just the 'special' blogs I love and visit daily.

Bonnie, having gone through the 'change'personally, don't you fret, life is still good at 60 and I expect it to be the same at 70, even if there is a bit more to me than at 30 or 40. Love you, you look GREAT just the way you are.

Love Chloe, I had never heard of the term 'Ragdoll Kitty' and lo and behold my own old "duke" is also a rag doll. He sure does love his belly rubs.

As Bob Hope would say 'Thanks for the memories' I feel like I get to travel all over just through your wonderful pictures and lovely descriptions of it all.
As ever...smiles from afar:c) Fran

Susan Freebery said...

Oh, Bonnie, you will love the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum! The quilts there made my knees weak. It is a wonderful place! My sister lives in Golden and I visited her for the first time a year ago. Downtown Golden is wonderful and directly across from the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum is a wonderful quilt shop. I was back in Golden in April and darn if that quilt shop didn't get some of my children's inheritance again. There is a darling little shop in the museum, too. You will so enjoy that visit - great coffee shops and cafe's as well. Have fun!

woolywoman said...

Remember that YOU are not your dress size- big or small, we are all people who's worth is derived by the life we live. You have shown yourself to be a generous,creative, and supportive person, and that's just from "knowing" you from your website and blog. ( Also, my favorite comeback from a lovely plus sized woman with whom I work is this "Only a dog wants to lay down with a bone, and I'm not married to a dog.")

Really looking forward to seeing your book!

Salem Stitcher said...

Congratulations on your shout-out. That is so cool! I love this magazine too. He is a very funny guy with a very funny crew. I'm sure you will have a blast meeting them all.

The viseo of Chloe cracked me up! She's really beautiful and sweet. Almost make me want a cat...almost. I don't think Shelby would like it too much though.

Nancy said...

Chloe is just a sweetheart! I have a tortie, Gypsy, who also has to lay all over whatever I spread out on the floor. Sometimes she even gets up and lets me finish what I was doing in the first place! :)

Remember that what matters is what Chloe and everyone else who loves you thinks of you - what doesn't matter is the opinion of some rude stranger with no tact.

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

Sounds like Mark Lipinski got your MOJO working again. I'm so glad! Gotta remember what's important and what trivial. You look wonderful and more importantly you look happy! Keep the happy going!
Regina in MI

Marion said...

Hello Bonnie,

wonderful, that you are in the magazin.

I have nominated you for an award.
It is on my blog.



Browndirtcottage said...

Meeeooowww Chloe,,,,Stop,,Drop and Roll!!!!

MJHarker said...

Hey, Bon! You're doing great with your video clips! I'm glad you figured it all out! Chloe is such a cutie of a kitty. :o) Check out my site--I just added the Sherwood family reunion.

Love you!


Donna said...

I just recently discovered your wonderful blog and always look forward to reading your posts. I agree that comments about weight are not helpful. The people who post those tacky and cruel comments are the ones with the problem. Ignore them!

Moorea said...

Bonnie- It is great to see the 'shout out' about your site, you deserve it.
Thanks for sharing all your fun trips and creations, my life is the better for it.

Anonymous said...

Chloe isn't the only one with a sweet voice.

Now I have a voice and a face for quiltville!!

Darling Jill Quilts said...

How cool that you are in Mark's mag! And Chloe is so cute! I'm glad that you saved her!

Tonya Ricucci said...

Congrats on the mag shout out. What a hoot,I was just playing the Chloe clip and Pokey came over to watch with me - she was fascinated. so fun to hear Chloe talk.

Amanda Jean said...

congrats on your write up in the magazine. I echo the same comments! your website is so helpful. thanks for sharing so many wonderful patterns. I am looking forward to starting a random ohio stars quilt soon. thanks for such great inspiration!

Linda said...

Your cat is so cute! She reminds me a lot of mine. I have one that looks a bit like her who likes to help me quilt, too. You can see herhere
or here

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