
Monday, July 21, 2008

Off Again!

Hey everyone! I have resurfaced! I returned from Durham NC where I have spent the most FUN 3 days with the Durham Orange Quilter's Guild! Three consecutive days of workshops....Crumbs, Star Struck & Pineapple Blossom!

I've got loads of pics, but no time to upload them, I'm off in the morning to Denver, meeting with the Quilters Above The Clouds in Florrisant, and then off to the Colorado Quilt Council State guild weekend in Evergreen!

Not only that, but I've got ZERO VOICE. I can barely squeak.

I'll be back home late on the 28th....I hope to catch up with you all then.


Kelli said...

Safe travels. ~ksp

rcp said...


I had a great time this weekend! It was "quilt heaven"! I hope you have a safe and great trip. I hope I'm not in any of your pictures!!!!

Mama Spark said...

Florissant? They have a great place next to the national park where you can go and dig up your own fossils! When we were there it was pouring and the guy wouldn't let me dig. Have a fun trip!

Linda C. said...

The voice of experience . . . don't try to talk. I had a bout of laryngitis, esophagitis, and every "itis" one can get from the shoulders up. I kept working, which involved lots of voice effort. I ended up with soft polyps on my vocal chords which had to be removed with a laser, because of the potential for turning cancerous. I couldn't talk for a week after, so I carried a magic slate around to communicate. People yell at you when you don't give an immediate verbal response, but my boss was the funniest. He would read what I wrote on my slate, erase and write back!

Fran said...

Sounds like a busy and fun weekend. Have a safe trip and will look forward to your updates on all your travels come the end of the month.
As always...smiles across the miles :c) Fran

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Welcome home... oops, I guess you're not... there you go again... Bonnie, you're too hard to catch! You and the wind. I hope you have fun and can take care of your voice.

Diane said...

Boy you are busy! Have a wonderful time!

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