
Sunday, July 06, 2008

July 4th At Home Retreat!

I've had company the past few days and it has been WONDERFUL!

Charlotte and Jerry came up to visit. While I worked on projects here, Charlotte took up residence right next to me and was able to complete a few of her long time UFOs into completed tops. There is just something about sewing with a friend that can help you push through those "I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS" or "I DON'T LOVE YOU AS MUCH" projects. She finished a couple long timers while working on a gorgeous yellow/blue jacob's ladder variation as a leader/ender. I even caught her sneaking yellow and blue 2" squares out of my box there to include in her quilt ;c) Okay...actually I was begging her to please use some of mine in her quilt! My last few projects have been string pieced, (or wonky log pieced) and I sew several blocks at one time always using the last block as the leader ender for the next set, so those squares have been untouched for a while.

4th of July evening we went out to Prissy Polly's BBQ in Kernersville. What yummy BBQ and a fun time...they had a bluegrass band playing and the music was wonderful! I just wanted to dance and clap my hands. I checked their page online and they have live music weekly it seems, so I'll be going back. I love how Bluegrass music makes me feel like a kid inside. It's just happy :c)

After dinner we came back here to the house, watched some TV with the guys and we girls did some hand quilting just to give the "impression" we were socializing with everyone instead of holing ourselves down in the basement studio ;c) TNT had a Law & Order marathon going... [insert sound of gavel clanking]

Saturday we ran a few errands, sewed a lot, set up a sandwich bar for everyone for lunch (trying to keep things as easy as possible...just say no to cooking!) and sewed a lot more! A plan to hit an afternoon matinee at the movies turned sour, when we got there it seemed as if everyone and their extended relatives thought the same thing...the line was longer than long, and we bagged that idea and went to Captain Tom's fish restaurant for dinner. They have the best seafood for reasonable prices!

Back home again, we sewed a bit, and then had a fun evening of playing "hand and foot" card games while a storm raged through. We thought the power would go out, so I even lit an oil lamp. It felt like "old days" with the TV off, no electronic games or cable tv or anything. Just sitting around the table, playing cards and talking and laughing.

Charlotte and Jerry headed back to Columbia this afternoon. I crashed for a nap, and here I am! It was a wonderful visit. I'm really glad they came to spend some time with us.

Wednesday I head off for Sisters Oregon! I'm really looking forward to this trip. I'll be retreating at my friend Randy's house.....I've got a few projects I'm bringing. She's got an extra sewing machine for me. There will be 4 of us at her house,oh fun! We will retreat through the week and finish off with the Sister's Quilt Show on saturday!

Oh....no more bats, no more snakes...all is good on the wildlife department here in Wallburg NC...just in case you wanted to know!


Fran said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday.
We spent Canada Day going to our town's parade and coming back home to friends and relatives for a back yard BBQ. The kind with homemade potato salad & slaw, chiken & ribs...Yummmmm!!! My 18 yr old grandaughter is visiting from Nevada and today she had her first quilting lesson from her Nana (me). I started her on bright, hot colored strings on a phone book page, and it will eventually end up as a big "COOL"" (her word) bag. She's already planning another in Zebra stipes and Hot Pink!! Will send pictures as it's really your inovative ideas that has made me a 'strings' addict.
Looks like we have another quilter in the family. I've introduced her to Quiltville and she is caught, hook, line and sinker. You gotta love it.
Have a great time in Sister's Oregon. Will be looking forward to experiencing the retreat through you and your wonderful blog.
:cD smiles..Fran

Kristin Shields said...

Cool! I'll be at the Sisters Show too. My sister and I are taking a class on Friday. I'm thrilled to have her visit for the show. Have a great time!

Stephanie D said...

What a dream weekend! Spent mine rearranging the sewing room to get a table with a drop-panel in it so I don't sew like the Hunchback of North Carolina! Amazing how many UFO's were lurking in there!

Lori said...

This is MY kind of weekend. Glad the bats gave it a rest...I hope that doesn't mean that alligators will be next! KIDDING, Bonnie! lol

Lori in VA

Kyra said...

What a lovely patriotic photo!

Clare said...

Sounds as if you had a great weekend. Don't forget to look out for Cathi's Dear Jane quilt. She's flown over from Ireland to show it.

Freda said...

That sounds like a wonderful Fourth of July retreat Bonnie. Wish I could have joined in the sewing. Nothing better than sewing with a friend.

sewkalico said...

What a wonderful weekend!
So pleased there are no more critters and creatures!!! I hate them in the house. They come in cycles though, nothing for a bit, then a shrew, then a b**, then a mouse....!! Luckily we've not had snakes (yet!)

Kathy in Seattle said...

I'm off to Sisters Thursday after work. Driving down from Seattle. I've been there 3 times, but ALWAYS one week before the big show. Not this year. I'm really excited! Any chance for a meet-up, e-mail and I'll send you my cell #, even if it's just to pass by in the street! It would be too fun to meet you in person!
I've got my Orange Crush top almost done. All Kaffe Fassett and very fun. No battery for my camera, just moved and all is chaos. I really want to post a pic. I have found time to keep sewing, of course. Sewing room got set up first!

Have a great trip, and welcome to the great Northwest!


Jean said...

I'm so envious of you going to Sisters! My folks live in Eugene, and I was planning on going but because it's been soo hot (oh, by the way.... it's been really hot... take cool clothing!) and they don't have a.c. so told me to wait til Sept./Oct. to come... Darn, I should have come anyway. Maybe next year! I keep forgetting when it is! Have you seen the lovely posters they have for advertizing the quilt fair? I've got two of them... they are wonderful!

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