My traveling trunkshow is on it's way to Florissant Colorado! Because I'm going by plane, I have to ship a partial trunk show, bring SOME with me in my luggage, and do the remainder by power point presentation. You can really call me a nervous nelly right now. But the gal at my mailing spot is SO great! I asked her what was the best way to ship these, crates, boxes or what....and she asked what I usually did to get them around. I told her about the extra large military duffel bags, aka...body bags....and she pulled out these sleeves that they usually put over items like golf clubs, etc. PERFECT! I was able to leave the quilts in the duffels, slide them into the sleeve and voila! I don't teach in Colorado until July 24, but if I wait until I get back from Sisters to ship them, I won't have enough time to get them there I don't think.
When I get back from Sisters, I have 3 workshops to give before I head out to Colo, but I kept the workshop samples here with me, and THAT part of the trunkshow will go with me on the plane. It's comfusing trying to keep my ducks in a row!

And Oh Yeah! Something I forgot was on my camera....ahem...When Charlotte was here she broke in my new ironing board cover! *LOL* I guess she was so awed by the gorgeous woodsy view out of my quilting room window that she forgot she had the iron down. What a hoot! I made her sign and date it as a remembrance of our fun weekend. Gotta love friends! :c) Now I'll smile every time I see it. I think it looks much better this way than new anyway.
My guild meeting was tonight. Very fun time Lisa Alley gave a hilarious presentation on "Its not a blanket, it's a QUILT". I think we all needed depends by the time she was done. There were many oohs and ahhs over the show and tell, especially the items the vendors brought to show, and we coined a new phrase.
Instead of calling it eye candy.....it's QUILT P-ORN! *LOL* I think we were all drooling madly, and having hot flashes. I guess this is when you know the show and tell is really good ;c) (who needs a man???) *giggle* What a fun evening. I'm really enjoying getting to know the ladies here.

I've been faithfully hand quilting on my Charlotte's Baskets quilt...I've got 1 1/2 blocks left to quilt,and then it's just the borders folks! I know it's like a snail trying to show you progress when it's hand quilting that I'm about,but I've tried to keep going on the hand quilting progress. I'm switching gears at dinner time, and everything after dinner is HAND WORK. I'm even going to take out my long time unfinished applique bordered quilt and work on the applique and get it done. Silly me...I should have put the applique in the two opposite corners of the borders, but no.....I did two consecutive corners so now I've got to do ALL FOUR!!This quilt is one of the first 'shirt fabric' quilts I made, and it is about 10 years old now. Will it EVER get done???
I like the new name, Quilt P-Orn.
Love the applique quilt. Just told DH I was going to Goodwill to start my next quilt. I got a funny stare on that one. BTW just finished my Batik Jewels-all 17. Lots of little triangles left because of paper piecing so started making Crumbs. Check out the Jewels -
www.tyler-rose.blogspot.com Have a safe trip.
HAPPY AIRWAYS TO BOTH YOU AND YOUR QUILTS, BONNIE!!! You're really a rock star now!!!
Enjoy the Sisters Show! We'll be waiting for lots of pics.
I don't know if we should sit together at guild meetings any more...we have way too much fun.
I'm glad you enjoyed the "speech".
I love the stars and the applique borders. The different backgrounds are striking!
The applique borders are beautiful! If you don't want to do two more corners, how about doing a center motif (like 2 crows or something) with a little of the vining to balance? Might take less time than full blown corners. It will be charming whatever you do!
The string stars are really great. Makes me want to do one too!
I love that term, Quilt Porn!
When you get back home and/or have a free minute to breathe, our little ring needs some help. The blog that is "next" after mine in the Mavericks link has been removed, so anyone trying to travel through the ring gets stuck.Thanks for your help with this, when you get a spare moment.
wow, I've never seen this String Stars before. wheee. I love the hints of purple in there. Can't believe you're trying to applique after you've added the borders on - that would make me pull my hair out.
I like the idea of just doing something all the way along the top border to balance it out... Hope you're appliqueing your initials in there somewhere!
Bonnie you are the busiest lady I know. I love your applique quilt.
That String Star is to die for! LOVE it.
Chuckled about your "broken" ironing board cover. I usually take my board to Camp, and it always seemed like it looked so ratty that I shouldn't take it without a new cover on it. After the third year in a row, getting a brand new one burned, I started putting the new one on AFTER Camp! I think the "well-loved" look means it gets more use than before! Hope you have a safe and fun trip!
The applique is beautiful. I love the whole quilt. I wish I had your energy so I could be working on a quilt like this and the others I have started. You are amazing!
Your string quilt is beautiful! I like your idea of switching to handwork after dinner. I kind of have that plan myself except that I try to do handwork whenever my hubby is home (he works out of town 4 days a week). That means that I have to do the prepwork for handwork while he's gone...so many projects...so little time! I'm also going to start dedicating 1 day a week to donation quilts...that means that whatever I work on that day will be donation work. I've picked Tuesdays. I have a full-time outside the home job so unless I set specific time for donations I won't get to them. Oh I love the new phrase you all came up with...
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