
Thursday, April 03, 2008

Bad News, Buddy!!

I took Buddy, our Golden Retriever in for his 4 week check on his broken metacarpal...they did x-rays and it just is NOT healing! WHHhhhaaa!

So...I had to go back after they kept him over night, pick him up at 7am, and take him to the specialty vet where he is having surgery today to pin it. Poor Buddy...

He is my big brave boy....the gentlest hugest beast, and so kind and affectionate. I hope his surgery goes okay and that he will soon be on the mend!

This pic was taken about 5 years ago....he was asleep like that on the floor! His lips are so floppy that he looked like he was smiling, I couldn't resist taking a picture. :c)

I'm headed to Asheboro today! Trunk show tonight, and a crumbs workshop tomorrow. It's going to be FUN! And the best part is, I get to meet a quilter that I have known online for years, but we've never met face to face. This is the best part. I'm meeting up with her for lunch, and then she is going to take me antiquing!

Then we will meet up with some guild gals and have dinner before the meeting tonight. Asheboro is only about an hour's drive from me (or less) so I won't be so far away..just a short jaunt. Then Monday I head out to MD! Watch out world! Quiltville's on the road again!


Jessica said...

OH, poor Buddy - I'll keep him in my thoughts. Have fun tonight and I'm glad you didn't take that break from blogging that you were talking about! :)

Susie said...

Poor Buddy. I hope his leg heals. I know Golden's are the sweetest creatures on earth. (Except for the shedding!)

Yea! when you head to Maryland you will be heading to my guild!!

See you Wednesday at Southern Comforters in Bowie!

Helen in the UK said...

Lots of hugs and kisses to Buddy. I've got a Golden too and know what it is like when they are suffering and look at you with those big eyes!! Hope he is soon mended :)

Fran said...

Bad luck comes in three they say, I think you've just had you third. Buddy, Jeff, Buddy again. Hope your luck changes soon.
Glorious weather here and just took a break from the Orange crush to do an hour's worth of gardening.
Hope you have a great time tin Ashborow, and luck on the antique trail.


sewprimitive karen said...

Your posts have been so interesting and exciting! Poor Buddy, I do hope the new procedure helps him!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Good Luck to Buddy - I had a Yellow Lab that was Buddys size and he thought he was a lap dog... I bet Buddy would be a comfy lap dog *grin*.

Enjoy taking quiltville on the road.

Dineke said...

Poor Buddy, I really hope the surgery works out well for him. I can imagine so good how great he is. Sitting in the woods he looks so much like our G.R. Mischa.

Rose said...

I hope Buddy heals...my girlfriend has a Golden Retriever so I am a fan of them. She used to like to ride in their car that had sun/moon roof--she would stick her head out and the wind blew out her cheeks! I start giggling just thinking about it and I never actually seen it...but I know her so have a vivid imagination.

noocha said...

How is Buddy doing? Anyone heard anything? He looks like such a good dog & hopefully he'll be home & healing AGAIN real soon.

Roslyn said...

Hope your Buddy heals fast, we love our furry four footed friends.

Stephanie D said...

Lots of ear scratching and belly rubs to Buddy, the poor baby.

I always feel I should take off work when my furbaby is ill. Mommies of bipeds do it; why not Mommies of quadripeds?

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