One of the wonders of moving to a new place in winter is finding out what actually comes up in the spring and where!

Temps are not reflecting that it is spring yet, that is for sure! This is the latest spring arrival I can remember since living "south". It's also the earliest easter most of us will EVER see because of the way the calendar works. Something like, Easter won't be this early again until those of us reading this message are long gone to kingdom come? Interesting......(but still cold!)
Buddy is still hobbling around with his leg in a cast. He is getting around quite well right now,but still,he is limited to where he can and can't go. While he was out doing business, I brought the camera to snap some pics of what is blooming here!
You can't miss the daffodils! They are big and yellow and springing up in the front flower beds! I need to get in there and clean the leaves out from around them. Daffys are alwais the first thing I think of when I think of spring and I an so happy to have these!
Also along the side of the driveway, I discovered grape hyacinths coming up..SO CUTE!
And look at this bush! I don't know what kind of bush this is,but the blossoms are like snow flakes.
When I lived "north" Forsythia was always the first sign of spring there. It bloomed long before tulips could even think about opening up.

And look! I have a pink blooming tree of some sort! *LOL* Oh, I loved Lucy's pink tree in Holland, and now I have one of my OWN! (Lucy, is your's ready to bloom yet? or is it too early?)

I also wandered down by the creek, Sadie at my side (Buddy gave up and was plopped on the lawn closer to the house just observing us) and took some pics.
The creek bed is DEEP....but according to our realtor who also lives in this "four brooks" area, has never overflowed that he can remember in 30 years or so. And it is quite a slope UP to the house, a long distance, so I am not in danger of studio flooding.
I just love having this nature all around me!
Last night I ventured out and drove to Durham/Chapel Hill NC for a guild meeting with the Durham Orange Quilter's Guild! I met up with a bunch of ladies at a place called "Squids" for dinner, and it was FABULOUS! I had a seafood Fla Diavolo. Scrumptious...and I swear to you they had the best hot hushpuppies I have ever had. And they kept bringing more! Seriously, if they rolled these in cinnamon/sugar they could have been dessert, they were that good.
The have a terrific guild with so many talented ladies. Show and tell went on and on. I will be doing three workshops there at the end of July, and really looking forward to getting to know these ladies better!
So what's on the agenda now that I'm home for almost a couple weeks?
Drivers License Test (WRITTEN! ACKKKK!)
License Plates/Registration
Change Bank Info (gotta put the new address on all the accounts)
These are the most pressing things for me today. And then I get to come home and work on customer quilts for a while, and head back into Downtown Winston Salem for choir practice. Being Easter Week, there is lots of music to rehearse! Oh, did I forget to mention that I auditioned for the choir at St Pauls? What better way to meet people than to just join in? That and quilting is all I really need to get me situated in a community.
Other than that, I've got a quilt for the book that needs a border...and I've got THREE quilts for the book that need quilting! That should keep me busy over the next couple weeks along with catching up with customer quilts. They've all been so patient with me through this move.
Oh...and Jeff just asked if he came with me to run the errands, if we could go to the Chinese Buffet place by the bank for lunch. Smart kid. He is learning how to work his mama into a free lunch out! *LOL*
Judging from how I see your "pink" blossom tree on my monitor, it looks like a peach tree - have to wait and see. I live in central Texas, and clueless of what grows in N.C. LOL
I am glad spring is coming somewhere! What beautiful colors to wake up to.
Think that white bush might be some kind of Spirea - the spring signs look wonderful even if the temperatures don't quite match up yet :o)
The unknown pink bush looks like something my MIL has in her yard. It is either a flowering crabapple or a flowering cherry. See how definite I am when it comes to plants? Wish spring would show up more in southern PA.
I agree the white bush is Spirea AKA Bridal Wreath. The pink flowering tree looks like a peach tree...but the small pictures makes it hard to really tell. but it is great to see the new blossoms and the landscaping surprises around you new home, isn't it?
Amelia ~ in Oklahoma
Yup, Bridal Wreath is the white bush. . .the flowers don't last long but they sure are pretty! (I have one in my backyard.)
You will find that the grape hyacinths like to "migrate" or throw their seeds. . . so before you mow the lawn you may want to check for them. . .I get them all through my yard & between that & their "creeping" I have tons of them around the bases of my dogwoods.
Enjoy the continuing discoveries in your yard!
Sherry in Jersey
Love all the pictures Bonnie. Spring has officially arrived in Texas, torrential rains and a whopper storm : )
Hope all is well with you and the family
Such lovely photos! I'm so happy to read your "out and about" updates in your new area, too!
Every Day is an Adventure Love, *karendianne.
I can't wait until spring! Gets me in the mood for a garden!
Your new place looks mighty terrific to me!! hope your busy schedule allows you to enjoy!
Your new yard looks great! You'll be discovering new plants and bushes all summer long. Sounds like you are settling in fast!
Love your flowers!!!
We moved in our house in July, and the following spring the side yard- which at the time was all grass - ERUPTED into about 25 different varieties of tulips, as well as all the other spring bulbs. What a wonderful surprise that was!
The tulip "grass" is now a huge flowerbed, and I look forward to that spring burst every year.
Oh, what I'd give to see what's in those pics in my neighborhood right now. It will be more than a month-looks like mid January right now in southern Maine.
: )
Bonnie...your budding yard is amazing:).
I am having a bag give-a-way to celebrate my 200th post! Come here to check it out:
Oh I never thought about moving in the winter and having all those spring surprises!
I love to see what is growing in your garden.That's a lot more as in SC :-) My pink trees are not in bloom yet. Most of the time it is at the end of april. When it is Queensday :-)
Spring came early in the UK this year; the daffodils have been terrific, but lots of the blossom got 'burnt' in the storms we had last week. The weather - as usual in the UK - just can't make up its mind. Snow is forecast for some areas this Easter, and rain and wind for all of us. Ah well, it certainly gives the British something to talk about!
Sunshine Quilt has a new adresse:
Really like your site! Best wishes from Berit, Trondheim, Norway This is the right adresse!!
Thank you for the glimpse of Spring, Bonnie! I can't wait until it arrives here (we're still surrounded by snow).
Looking forward to your challenge!
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