
Monday, March 17, 2008

Email Shenanigans!

Is it a St Paddy's Day Prank?!?!

Okay, so I AM wearing green,but that doesn't seem to matter. My email isn't working! It isn't coming in from my server, and if I send OUT..it never gets to where it is supposed to go. So..I'm switching email addresses until it is FIXED! You can now reach me at my alternate address of Quiltville@Yahoo.com


*karendianne. said...

Okay so I had to do the same thing and Nancy has issues. Disruption in the Force!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I just read Nancy, NP's post regarding the same thing and then Shelina's (hers is phone related) and now yours! What's up??? It's a conspiracy. I wondered where you were...

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Oh, Bonnie, you are in SUCH good company!

n, np

Jan said...

I love your blog, but I'm just a lowly lurker. I don't feel I have a right to complain, because truly I love all you do. That said, you know I have a tiny complaint so here goes: have you ever considered putting the text of your blog on a clear background? These tired old eyes have a little trouble making out the words among the swirly patterned background.
It could be something I can control on my own computer, I'll have to look into that too. Anyway, I hate that my first comment is complainy - so please know that I think your blog is terrific, and I think I'm going to try to play along with the next mystery.

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