
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

She's Back!!

What a great time I had around the Atlanta area this past week! Talk about a whirlwind trip! Three guilds, Three workshops, 2 1/2 trunk shows, a luncheon & bee meeting, antique shopping, antique auction attending, even a visit to the "Gone with the Wind" Museum!

This trip includes lots of pictures so I'm going to do this in installments..besides that, I have to leave in 15 minutes to get the dog to the vet. He decided the fast way down from the deck was to jump off. This was while I was gone...so DH and son took him to the vet and found he broke his leg. He's in a cast with a splint. Poor Buddy. I'll get a pic of him later.

Jeff also has an appt with the oral surgeon this morning to have his wisdom teeth removed on friday. Is there any rest for me after all this time away? NO!!

My first class was the Star Struck class hosted by the Piecemaker's Quilt Guild of Cumming, GA. I got to stay in Shanon's guest room in her beautiful home. She even ran errands with me, dropping off printing at Kinko's for the classes I had coming up (Thank heaven for 24/7!!) and we went to a yummy mexican place.

The weather...unlike the company...was FRIGID! Can you believe it was SNOWING when we woke on Wednesday morning? No kidding! The poor pansies were shivering in their beds. And so were we!

Never the less, what can be better than 20 quilters holed up in a wonderful quilting space, machines humming, fabric flying, laughter bubbling? Look at these beautiful blocks! I think everyone had a wonderful time and really got a lot done.

This was a terrific group, and I was blessed to be able to spend the time with them that I did.

Off to the vet and dentist....I'll post more later!


Susie said...

Welcome Back Bonnie! Glad you had fun. What a great job you have huh!!? I will be taking your starstruck class when you come to Bowie in They all look so good and FUN!

Quilting Martha said...

Poor doggie! I miss you blog when you are not around.


Rhonda said...

Welcome back Bonnie! What a great job you have! Poor Buddy and your son! Ahh... the joys of motherhood. lol I'm making a starstruck quilt too... doing it as a leader/ender thing. ;-)

Kim said...

Welcome back to your life.........
Of course your family thinks you are off having fun not working :0).
I look forward to pictures of the rest of the trip.
I am hooked on scrappy quilting now that we have done the Bargello and Carolina Crossroads, I can't wait for the next mystery!

Happy Sewing

Desert Threads said...

Glad you have such an eventful time.
Love all the quilts in the making. But I'm kinda partial to scrappy.

YankeeQuilter said...

What great blocks your quilters made! Poor Buddy! Hope he heals up quickly!

Elaine Adair said...

Waaahhhh - looking at all those beautiful Star Struck quilts makes me want to make another! The muted earthy toned one is especially tempting.

Thanks for all YOU do for the Quilting World!

Kat said...

Ooo, I LOVE that block and quilt design! One of these days I'll get around to making one of those. Your workshop looks like it was so much fun!

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

Oh your poor dog. Hope he's going ok. I gotta tell you I just finished my Star Struck quilt. It's on my blog. I used the dwirling techique on it and I love everything about that pattern. It was the most fun to make, and I love how it turned out. Thank you so much for all the wonderful patterns you have. There are a lot of women out here waiting for April for the next mystery. Glad you had a safe trip and are back home.

Vanessa said...

A friend told us to make sure we did one thing post surgery when my son had his wisdom teeth removed. He had no pain and healed quickly. A friend told him to not drink any liquid that was acidic. No sodas or juices and not even ice cream/milk--water only. The acids eat away at the scabs that form in the sockets and cause great pain if they get dry. He followed her instructions and it was so easy on him. Hope this helps a little.

Salem Stitcher said...

Bonnie, be sure to ask Mrs. Goodneedle about her tip regarding wisdom teeth. I did it and I swear it helped a lot. Your son will feel a little silly but the swelling will go away much faster.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Wow there are some awesome star struck quilts started here!

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