
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Its a Collage!

First off, Happy Easter to everyone....and Happy Passover too....and okay...happy EVERYTHING! Let's get it all out there!

Oh,funny joke I heard today, you've probably heard it.

A teacher was asking her 2nd graders all about the holidays and what they were for...they covered Christmas, 4th of July, Thanksgiving (this is the short version, you get the idea) and then she asked one shy boy what Easter was. He replied most seriously...

"Oh Easter! That's when Jesus comes out of the tomb....and if he sees his shadow we have winter for 6 more weeks!!!!"

I thought this was SO FUNNY. But then I have been going on lack of sleep!

I got the coolest thing in my email! The guild photographer from Durham Orange Quilters Guild (where I was last Monday night...was it only LAST Monday night?)sent me a pdf file of a collage she made of my presentation! It is SO cool! Because it is a pdf, I can't just upload it open, but you can click HERE to view it.

The only thing I'm not happy to see is my belly...*LOL* The more I travel, the more I eat out, the more I don't have time to WORK OUT...the bigger I get..pffffttt! Oh well....guess I better get working on that!

Actually, ONE MILE up the road is a little women's circuit training thing similar to "Curves" and I'm thinking of joining. The prospect being..I can WALK there....do my 30 minute circuit training....and WALK home. I think I'll check it out tomorrow. I stopped in the other day and they are waiving the $99 start up fee this month...and it is only $30 a month to join. It's just my kind of thing. I'm not big on huge aerobics classes, and I don't want to work out with big guys pumping iron, or little 20-somethings in skimpy tight shorts strutting around in their perfect bodies while I huff and puff.

Yep. I gotta do this. I think it will help me with my pent up lack of energy too....

I rented "Atonement" at Blockbuster.....that's on tap for tonight while I bind my Bargain Basement quilt :cD



Unknown said...

Happy Easter! lol, I just love visiting here...you are soooo funny! Yes there is some real indecision going on with some but I think it will all be clearer once they start working on the new mystery. Just love mysteries! Last time I was confused...must admit, but I kept reading your instructions and looking at your pics and can now report that all the CC blocks are now finished and on the design wall waiting to be sewn together! Yeah, trust me it is a milestone and I plan to have it finished in the next 2 weeks. Okay, I really wanted to say that I really admire you and your designs and it sounds like you could use a free day from thinking about our troubles....lol, ... have a lovely evening and week..

Unknown said...

Oh, I forgot, you are another person that I would like to take a sew along class with.... that collage is really nice! Looks like great fun....

jovaliquilts said...

Your Easter/Groundhog's Day joke reminded me of a true story about my daughter. We visited Lincoln's home when she was 4, and we started to tell her about Lincoln. She said she already know he was -- he freed the Indians when they were slaves in Egypt!

Mary Johnson said...

Neat collage, you are getting around now aren't you?? Are you enjoying the traveling and visiting guilds?

Keith and I are getting bikes when we move - we'll be right at the river on the Grand Rounds - 50 some miles of bike and walking trails here in Minneapolis. Of course, I prefer to walk so I'll be doing more of that too but I've found I have to do the really big mileage to make a difference in my weight - like I was doing when in training for the Breast Cancer walk a couple years ago.

Tonya Ricucci said...

ooh, Bargain Basement looks so excellent quilted. Glad you're going to have one more thing off your to-do list. Don't worry - you still look marvelous!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

The movie looks great, we'll need a review. The collage is fantastic, well done-- you! The BB quilt is great, there's no better feeling of accomplishment then when binding.

Suzy said...

All of your quilts are so beautiful! You are very talented. I can't wait to see your newest Mystery Quilt solved -- I'm sure that will be wonderful as well. :o)

Kim said...

After you see the movie get the book out of the library on CD.....its excellent too. :0)
Thanks for turning me onto the Vicar of Dibley.....so very funny and a perfect companion to sewing.

Is there anything more relaxing then binding a quilt? Not for me!
Happy Sewing, put your feet up, clear your mind and enjoy how blessed you are.

Katie said...

That collage is fab! I'm hoping you'll be coming to the guild in Raleigh one of these days! I did suggest it to them. :-)

Anonymous said...

like the collage and....your belly looks great to me:)

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