
Monday, March 31, 2008

It's April 1st in Australia!

Because I have uploaded the first step of Orange Crush
a day early...HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!


I'll be unavailable for a while...this is what is
going on with me this week:
(from my editor)
Okay, here’s what’s going on and what we need to be
working on this week. I need to get all your people
scheduled. Here’s your team. I’m assured they are all
talented people. I haven’t worked with Brian before,
so I’m excited to see what he comes up with for us.

Illustrations: Eric

Designer: Brian

Photographer: Aaron

Tech Edit: Deb

First, we should get all the illustrations you’ll need
for the book to Eric so he can get them drawn out for
us. Sketches will do, just make them clearly labeled.

Then I need to get the photo shoot scheduled. We’ll
have to plan ahead, because you’ll have to mail the
quilts to me and I’ll handle the shoot. (I’m a quilter
too, so I’ll take good care of your quilts while
they’re in my possession!) We’ll have each quilt shot
straight on (remember to have sleeves on the one’s
over 90-inches long). Then, we need to come up with
some pretty poses with your quilts. These will be
photos of the quilts in a setting with perhaps other
objects in the photo. I’m not sure how we want to
handle this. We can brainstorm ideas to see what we
come up with.

The other big thing to be thinking about is the
marketing materials. We need a name for the book with
a couple of paragraphs describing the book. This will
go on the website, in advertisements and on the back
of the book. I saw somewhere a couple of names you had
suggested, but I can’t find that email right now. Can
you send me what you were thinking. Keep in mind the
“green” theme for a tag line.

Here’s the list of quilts I have going in the book.
Has this list changed? About how many pages do you
think you’ll need for each one? I’m thinking of a page
count for the book. It can be no bigger than 128
pages. We will have a mixture of color and black/white

(list of quilts here)

I think that’s it for now. Have you read the Author
Guidelines? That should have most of the information
you need in it. Ask me questions if you can’t find the
answers in the guidelines.

AUUUGHH! So this is what I'm working on, plus customer quilts, plus a trip to Asheboro NC for a lecture and workshop on Thurs/Fri...and off to MD to teach for a week next week.

If you don't hear from me for a while...don't worry..I've just got my nose to the grindstone!


Quilts And Pieces said...

Get cracking Bonnie! Dang, now I really need to haul out my fabric if I"m going to try and do your mystery!

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

What a splendid reason to be off-line! Can't wait, Bon.

n, np

Betty J in OKC said...

I'm eager to buy your book. Hopefully you can autograph it next year in Paducah, maybe????
Suggested titles: Recycled Quilts; Beautiful Scrappy Quilts; Innovative Scrappy Quilts; and Scraps, Strings, and Squares~Innovative Quilts from Leftovers.

bingo~bonnie said...

oh how often I have wished I could be a fly on the wall - in your quilting studio or heck, a workshop or anywhere you are!! LOL and today, you gave us a glimpse... thanks so much for sharing much of the letter about the book in progress. That was fun to read.

I know I won't ever be involved in anything like this and you gave all of us a peek into the behind the scenes part of your life! Thanks Bonnie for always going the extra mile to share your life with us!!!!

I can't wait for your book! I am sure you will do like Judy L did and let us know when we can preorder it!

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

Katie said...

Wow Bonnie! Grindstone indeed. But all exciting I bet. I just knew Orange Crush would start out with lots of small pieces! I'm sure it'll keep us all quiet and busy for a while. LOL

Thanks again for the opportunity. I learned lots while doing Carolina Crossroads.

Jessica said...

Oiy! I'm exhausted just reading that list! I know you're book is going to be fabulous and I can't wait to preorder my copy!

carrie said...

A daunting project to say the least... You have been so generous with all your pattern sharing --- it will be wonderful to be able to guide others to your work via a book. They certainly have given you a point list to work on! I am certain this must be very tiring while at the same time very exciting. KUDOS to you for all your hard work and dedication to quilting. Orange crush looks like it is off to a great start.

the mischief maker

Mary Johnson said...

You're obviously back in your groove after the move and getting lots accomplished.

I had the chance to see the Gees Bend quilts at the High Museum in Atlanta. I had to make myself stop studying the workmanship in order to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of the quilts.

Lily Mulholland said...

Bonnie how exciting.

How about: "Save your scraps"?

Tagline: "One woman's scrap is another woman's quilt"

Good luck with it Bonnie - you know you'll sell at least 200 copies through all of us who subscribe to your blog!

YankeeQuilter said...

How fun! She sounds so organized. Can't wait to see it! I came in the living room the other day and saw my DH fingering quilt block - "you're not cutting up my shirts like Bonnie are you?" He asked. Your book will surely make him paranoid!


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