
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More on Stilts...

Posted by Karen De Coster at November 19, 2004 06:57 AM

Yesterday, at Dulles airport, I noted that every TV in the entire terminal was surrounded by wide-eyed, attentive, almost-hypnotized throngs of people, and I wondered: what was the oh-so-important, breaking news? What am I missing? Did another war break out? Was a nucleear bomb dropped? Did Nick and Jessica reconcile? No, it was the opening of the Clinton library, of course! Like every government building, this one is as ugly as expected. A co-worker remarked that it resembles a trailer on stilts. Perhaps that is fitting.

*LOL* Thanks to Debbie for sending me these photos! It DOES have a remarkable similarity to the high rise trailer below! *LOL*

Okay folks....I'm coveting your prayers, thoughts and good wishes, positive energy, karma, everything!

We are making an offer on the house we liked below. Today the appraisers come on our house..and we can get this ball rolling! The house we want has been on the market for over 430 days and has had 3 offers fall through. We are offering a bit low, but only low enough to cover what we need to fix/update on the house. They won't have to do any work themselves. I need them to accept this offer!

Yesterday was the weirdest day at work! All in all it should have been disappointing, but strangely it wasn't! I went in knowing I had an 11am, 12pm, 1:30pm 3:30pm and 6pm clients.

The 11am showed, the 12pm rescheduled due to an emergency, the 1:30 did a no-show as did the 3:30 and the 6pm! I had a walk in at 4:30pm....and sold two gift certificates.

So what did I do all day?! I HAND QUILTED!!! I am nearly done with going all around the outside edge of the "orphan albatross" with baptist fans! Remarkably, my fingers aren't all that sore this morning, so the quilting of about an hour an evening has toughened up my callouses nicely!

One good thing to be said about handwork....it doesn't make a huge mess and keeps my quilting room more in "showing shape". It's hard to want to get stuff out for a big round of piecing at the machine and digging through scraps when I know I'm going to have to clean it up to show the house on short notice.

And for those in the frozen northlands...wish you were here! It was over 80 yesterday and GORGEOUS!! I should have been outside, but I was happily blissfully unwinding, de-stressing and hand quilting at my office where I couldn't do anything about the moving chaos for a while. I think I needed that. DEFINATELY THERAPY!


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Just what the 'Dr.' ordered! Good for you. Warm hugs...*wink*, it was 76 here yesterday and that's the forecast for today, too. Weird. I was unaware of the architecture of the Clinton Library, that's interesting.

Saska said...

It's barely above freezing here, so enjoy that warm weather!
Best wishes on the house offer.

Jen said...

I'm still just blown away that you had such a odd response to your "red-neck" high rise. I personlally just thought it was hilarious!! =)

Elaine Adair said...

I cannot believe the similarities between the first Hi-Rise and the second fancy-schmancy Hi-Rise. ARe we missing something here?

Good luck on that pretty piece of property - it was/is indeed a lovely spot, and maybe being on the market for such a long time will work in your favor.

Bahhh humbug, with those temps -- it was ZERO here, and our furnace went out, leaving the house at 50 degrees when we woke up. VERY COLD, some snow, thankfully no ice, roads bad. We are giving thought to warmer climes.

Best of luck with the offer.

atet said...

Let's hope the real estate fairies are listening! Seriously -- I hope your offer goes well. If the house has been on the market more than a year the current owners would be silly not to take a reasonable offer! Good luck!

Patti said...

How well I remember that horrible waiting period - even though it's been over 33 years. Sure one moment that they will have to accept the offer, and sure the next minute that they won't simply because you want it so very badly. It looks like a great house for you, with so much wonderful quilting room. Keeping both my fingers and my toes crossed for you.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Wow, when I first opened the blog I thought you had edited that trailer on stilts to be those pics! It does look similiar! Good luck on the house!

Quilter Kathy said...

This happened to me on Monday! I thought I had 5 clients to see...two cancelled early in the morning, one cancelled 3 minutes before her appointment, and the other two were no shows...must be the season. Wish I would've had some quilting along...I had to do paperwork...yuck!

Tonya Ricucci said...

fingers and toes crossed for you - sending positive house buying thoughts your way.

80 degrees? wahoo! I'm envious. Glad you had your gorgeous orphan quilt to work on.

sharon b said...

Fingers crossed for you.. I'm also in the middle of relocation quilting is the balm of calming the stress of moving. Keep quilting and I hope your offer works out.. I'haven't made an offer yet..looking for the perfect quilting room and some space yet. prayers for you..

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