
Monday, June 11, 2007

Still Plugging Along!

I'm still chained to the quilting machine! Can you believe it? No piecing for Bonnie, and I have a gazillion ideas floating around in my head, and I have to focus focus focus myself to keep my priorities in order :c)

While I was quilting this weekend, I had good company! Don't ask me how Oscar likes being in such a tight space,but he was kind enough to slide out a paw and wave hello from time to time! He is on top of my scrap bin drawers underneath the quilting machine table, and there is NOT a lot of head room in there!

Emmy Lou likes it in there too......I think because the dogs (namely Sadie Jane!)leave them alone when they can't be found.

This quilt took FOREVER to quilt, or so it seems. It is feathered to death as you can tell by the pictures. I love the simple colors of this quilt, and the motion of the pinwheels. This quilt belongs to Catherine, and I am delivering it to her at guild meeting in Aiken tonight.She's been patiently waiting for it....I hope she likes how it turned out as much as I do.

Tomorrow is a big day for me! I am travelling to Burnsville, NC to teach a lecture on the Scrap User's System to a guild there, and do a bit of trunk showing at the same time. I'm nervous! My tummy is all in flutters and I hope I have everything prepared right. I don't have to leave here until noon tomorrow to be there in time....so I will have the morning to pack the car, and use the sticky roller on any quilts that have accumulated cat fur...*LOL*

I've also been asked to submit a schedule of classes/workshops/lectures for the 2009 North Carolina Quilt Symposium! I know it's a ways out there, but....it would be great to be on the staff there. They typically have 20 to 25 teachers on the faculty and have a yearly attendance of 350-400 students. Sounds fun, huh??



Anonymous said...

Quilt is simply stunning. How can she not love it. You will do fine in Burnsville. It's just like being with a group of dear quilting friends. They will love seeing what you do. Quilters are always enthusiastic about quilts, now matter what town they are in!

Mary Johnson said...

The quilting looks great - worth waiting for. Good luck with you trunk show - I'm sure it will go well.

Unknown said...

Bonnie that quilting is beautiful!
Good luck with your lecture and trunk show...once you get going you'll be fine. Your cats are a hoot!

Ms. Jan said...

The quilt is stunning Bonnie--you did magic as usual! It sounds like you are hitting the big time at last!!

bmorerealtor said...

Bonnie, I love the feathers on that quilt, it's beautiful, amazing!!

Journeying said...

Your quilting is beautiful. Your blog is lots of fun. Your kitties are . . . so typical, with little paws peeking out from unexpected places.
Don't know how you do it all!!

Diana said...

Hi Bonnie, Your quilting is just beautiful. I love the way the feathers fill up each color area. Good luck with your lecture--I'm sure you'll be great!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Bonnie, once again your quilting is spectacular! I do like the look of it with those pinwheels! What a great quilt and great quilting! I know you'll be a success at your class tomorrow!

Quilter Kathy said...

Beautiful quilting as always!
Congratulations on the NC symposium...they would be lucky to have you on staff!

Magpie Sue said...

Holy cow! I don't believe you left a square centimeter unquilted!!! There's more thread than fabric in that quilt! It's a beauty! :- )

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful quilting. You use the negative space so well; it sings its own song. Just awesome.

Tazzie said...

Bonnie, your quilting is just stunning. I want to live by you so you can do some quilting for me!

Tonya Ricucci said...

sweet kitties - I love that little paw. The quilting looks amazing - I LOVE those feathers. Awesome job. You are going to do incredibly well at the class/show and tell. Just try to enjoy yourself some. And hurrah for getting scheduled all the way out to 2009!

The Calico Cat said...

Great cat shots - mine like tight spots too. Good luck with the trunk show.

Laura said...

Beautiful quilting Bonnie!!! Goodluck with your classes, you will do wonderful.

Nettie said...

beautiful quilt and such luscious quilting. wow. congrats on all the gigs. i'm happy for you that you're getting to do even more of what you love.

Judy said...

They kitties are fabulously happy under there! The quilt looks wonderful...as do both of Jaques! The quilting is so fun and lively! Good work!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

That quilting just blows me away! Tracey

flippytale Quilter (Christine) said...

Oscar sure thinks he is a smartie!

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