
Monday, June 04, 2007

Feather Frosting..

Bonnie needs to hunker down and get caught up on her scheduled customer quilts! I've had a lot of things that have pulled me away lately and I am re-dedicating myself to getting things finished as scheduled. It isn't easy when scheduling your life 8 or 9 months in advance. You never know what whammies are going to sneak up on you and throw your schedule off.

I haven't helped matters much with getting so side tracked! So here I am...putting priorities back in order and aiming to get back where I should be.

This is a customer's flying geese quilt. All the open spaces seemed perfect for "frosting" it with feathers, and it does have the texture of a wedding cake!

I love this picture of the back....more frosting :c)

I've got clients lined up through the day for massage, and I have the raffle quilt with me to work on the binding in between clients at the office..so that should keep me busy for a while.

I have a guild meeting tonight, so I won't be home until late! Busy Busy Monday.....



swooze said...

Th quilt and quilting looks gorgeous! How many quilts do you schedule a week/month?

Carole said...

Ah..... beautiful work! thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, you are more productive than any TWO people I know!! Another beautiful quilting job!! I love the feathers on this top, perfect choice.

Elaine Adair said...

Yes, just like frosting! Lovely - thanks for the photo.

You must have recovered totally!

Judith said...

That quilt looks just gorgeous with that beautifull quilting.

Unknown said...

Bonnie that quilting is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Carolyn said...

Bonnie, this quilt is just stunning. The quilting is perfect. Did you do the borders freehand or did you use a template for the spine? It amazes me how quickly you can finish such elaborate quilt...it takes me forever! Great job...

Joanne said...

Delicious Quilting!

Ms. Jan said...

You do work magic, Bonnie!!!

Pam said...

Beautiful quilting on both quilts!!!

I am just wondering if you sleep??? LOL

Quilts And Pieces said...

Bonnie it is wonderful! You make such magic on quilts! It does look like frosting!

Rhonda said...

WOW! The quilting is stunning. Excellent job!

atet said...

And you know what? The frosting is often the best bit of the cake. Beautiful work on the quilting on this one!

Anonymous said...

Frosting is a beautiful quilt.

Kim said...

That looks wonderful, Bonnie! What kind of batting do you use? Of course, I'm sure you've been asked this question many times and answered many time, but I haven't been reading your blog consistently for very long, so I've never seen the answer.

Dona said...

Gorgeous, your quilting is definetely the icing on the cake.

Tonya Ricucci said...

the quilting on the back of that quilt is just incredible. you're always amazing. now take a 10 minute break and relax.

Leigh said...

Thank you for sharing this the quilt and especially the quilting are superb

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