
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Coming Up for Air!

I received an email from Linda today saying:

"I check your blog everyday and I am worried because you have not written in a week- I pray that there is not anything wrong and you are just gone on vacation or at least having a good time what ever you are doing-"

I figured I better check in! I didn't realize it had been that long, but it has!

I am still alive and kicking, it's just been a crazy week. I have finished a couple customer quilts in the past week, and I'm still working on more. My massage schedule has been full this week as well, in fact wednesday I took my last client at 6:45pm which put me home at close to 9pm. I was SO toast I didn't even check email until this morning, but also had clients today so I didn't have time to write a blog post.

My exciting news is I have been contacted by Quiltmaker magazine again, and they want my blue ridge beauty quilt along with an article on leaders/enders! I'm thrilled! I'll be sending that off this week, and it should appear in the January issue.

My BAD news is that Sadie tore up 3 antique quilts when left home alone :c( I'm so FRUSTRATED with her. From now on, she is kenneled if no one is home, or locked outside. It's not as easy as it sounds, as buddy has learned how to open the doggie door even when it is closed. But then he used to open the gates too until we put U bolts through the latches. So he opens the doggie door, and lets her back in the house. *pulling hair* And yes, the quilts are shredded beyond repair.I'm just sick about it. One of the quilts was the one that I bought with Lucy on our Paducah trip. That one I think I can repair. But the others....whhhaaaaa.

In my 15 minutes a day of cutting/sewing (I'm really trying to do a bit for myself each day..just HAVE to to keep my sanity) I am having to recreate another star struck quilt off the directions on my website. Now that I am doing trunk shows and teaching....I have to have a SAMPLE! My last ones went to hurricane katrina quilt drives. I think I have remade this quilt at least 6 times. All in different color ways. This time I decided to use those plaid shirts that are still filling up bins around here. So I've been cutting 2.5" strips from plaid shirts...and matched them up with pre-cut neutrals from the neutral 2.5" strip bin and have sewn them up into pairs. They are now ironed. The next step will be to whack them into 4.5" sub cuts. I think that is tomorrow evening's job after I get through the day. I've got 3 massages on the books tomorrow afternoon and am still quilting from home in the morning before I go into the office!

So....does that 'splain why you haven't heard from me in a week!? :cD I hope all is well with everyone out there in quilt maverick land!



Susan Freebery said...

Well, I guess I better sign back up for Quiltmaker Magazine! I can't wait to see your articles. Congratulations to you!

Mary Johnson said...

Congrats - you'll have to let us know which issue the quilt and tips will be in.

I was thinking of you today when I was packing my Mom's Pineapple Blossom to take back to her tomorrow after quilting it for her.

Chesty is ALWAYS in his crate when we aren't home. He's 6 years old but will still get into things if we're not here to watch him. I no longer even feel guilty about it and all we have to do is tell him he has to go to Chesty's bed and he goes right in.

Tonya Ricucci said...

waaaah. bad sadie. bad.that is heartbreaking news.

at least you have some excellent news as well - congrats on the future article. it's exciting that you have so much going on, but stressful too. glad you're getting a bit of time to sew.

Carol E. said...

Ohhh, I'm so sad about the loss of the antique quilts! Sorry to hear of it. Congrats on the upcoming articles!! I'll buy the issue for sure.... used to subscribe, but I have let them all drop now as they piled up way faster than I used them.

Unknown said...

BAD BAD DOG!!! love the sound of the plaids

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Quilt maker magazine article!

I am also a believer in crating a dog. Our rescue suffered from anxiety and would soil in the house or chew on things. I would crate her, give her rescue remedie drops to help calm her down. We have had her since September 2006 and this April we could leave her lose in the house again. It just takes time for them to heal.

Good luck!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Wow! You have had frustrations, excitement and accomplishments (and panic) all in one week! Oh poor Sadie.

Elaine Adair said...

Yeah -- I've been watching for you.

Sorry to hear the bad news with the quilts. bad dog!!!

The gals from Quiltmaker came to our Guild and presented their quilts and gave a program on how they put that maggazine together. That was the absolute BEST program I ever attended (I attend them all!) Good luck with that process.

swooze said...

Soory about the quilts. Yes crating is a good thing. They feel safer. I have lost many things to a chewing dog. I have used rescue remedy but got better results from Valerian root. In fact if I am sleepless I take it myself to help me sleep!

Floss said...

Saw one quilt a dog had chewed where the lady had appliqué dog paw prints as patches over the holes, it looked really cute. I guess it depend on how badly the dog chewed the quilt

Judy said...

That's the quilt that got me started on your Leaders and Enders!! Poor Sadie needs something else to chew on...my goodness!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

Oh my goodness...I am so sorry about your quilts!
Congrats on the Quiltmaker Magazine invite though! If anyone should be in there, you should. I love the blue quilt that you did. I cannot wait to get back to the States and buy and longarm so that I can make some of the quilts that are in my head and then be able to quilt them. :) You're an inspiration!!

cityquilter grace said...

yikes bonnie, what a loss....quilters everywhere feel your pain and share this loss

cityquilter grace

Darcie said...

Congrats on yet another publication for your work!!! WOOHOO! Don't forget to celebrate!

So sorry about the doggy woes. Perhaps you'll have to record some episodes of the Dog Whisperer. He's amazing!!! I don't remember...is it on Animal Planet? TLC?

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie -- I have a Malinois Belgian Shepherd who came with a lot of baggage, significantly abuse and abandonment. She not only tore up the house (even tried to bite her way through a door!), she became so terrified when alone that she'd have "panic poops" and be horribly ashamed. My blood pressure skyrocketed, my doc asked "what's new in your life?" and I told her about my dog. She said "Put her on prozac." I thought she was kidding. But it turns out there's a medication specifically for dogs with severe separation anxiety -- "Clomacalm" -- and it works wonderfully. At first she needed two a day, but once she learned from experience she was in her forever home where she would ALWAYS be loved, we were able to gradually wean her down to two a WEEK. I took a lot of heat for "drugging" my dog, but I think medication saved her life. (I rescued her the day before she was to be destroyed as "untrainable.") Wishing you and your family many blessings and much success. Ruth Putney (rnputney@mindspring.com)

atet said...

Oh Bonnie -- I am so sorry about the antique quilts! But as a pleasant reward congrats on the Quiltmaker article! I can't wait to see it on the newsstands!

Finn said...

hi Bonnie, so sorry to hear of Sadie's taste for antique quilts in particular. Always the ones you dread losing the most! Definitely a BAD dog Sadie! Bad Buddy too! Yah go Bonnie for the article being wanted and finding sewing time!
We miss you when you disappear for so long, glad you surfaced. Hugs, Finn


Quilter Kathy said...

Congratulations on the magazine article! Look forward to reading it!

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