
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Still Playing...

I've had lots of comments on whether the 9 patch split is too light,etc....I have to agree with Sharon, if I do it more color controlled, it will give eyes place to rest. For instance, if I do red/neutral/blue...it would make a GREAT QOV (quilts of valor) pattern! I played with it in EQ 5 a bit, and changed part of the lights to a gold...The light areas would be all different neutrals..the blues all different blues...the constant factor would be the red/gold triangles.

The little sample I started yesterday is getting a braided border. It won't turn the corners right because of the cornerstones (can you just say NO to mitered corners!) and the cornerstones are just going to run off the edge wherever they end. I'm fine with this! It's been a great way to do some mindless piecing, and use up a bunch of short 2" strips in the process.



swooze said...

I like your quilt. I am amazed at how much work you produce!

QuiltNut Creations said...

very pretty quilt!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

The best part of this quilt is the wonderful braided border... I delight in the unexpected and this quilt just sings to me! You are such an inspiration, Bonnie!

Quilts And Pieces said...

I like your dummied up EQ quilt - I see what you were after! and the border going on the first one is very fun!

Nancy said...

I do like your new version better but the original is nice. Especially with that braided border. I've done braids before but never with the square in the center. I like the extra UMPH that adds and will have to give it a try soon.

Leslie said...

I agree about EQ, it's a mixed blessing. I've made quilts that turned out blah that had been stunners in the mock up. And vice-a-versa. But it's still fun to get a visual idea of where it's going to go.

Love your new profile photo!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I really like the fabric version - I think it looks really neat. You are soooo prolific!!!

YankeeQuilter said...

That braided border is wonderful! I've traied to hold off on EQ5...I can see myself spending hours making virtual quilts!

Patty said...

Bonnie, you get so much done ! I love that braided border. Hope all is well with you and the family. Its been a while since I visited your blog.
Saw the picture the other day of when you were at my house visiting with Kelley, made me smile. Fun memories.

Kairle Oaks said...

Amazing what a difference another controlled triangle makes. The new version looks even better than the first!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

oooooooooh pretty!! I love the quilt...you did a great job on it!!

Helen said...

Who says borders have to go around the corner? Very nice!

Jennie said...

Love the EQ version with the gold. Really pulls the quilt together. Of course, the other one is sweet, too.

Judy said...

Your gold and red HST solution was what I though about seeing your earlier blocks...what if the red was oposite a dark triangle. I think the red and gold combo will look good. Maybe even a darker color and red could work.

It all looks good!

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