
Friday, March 02, 2007

Sneak Preview!

Hi Quilters!!

The quilt isn't finished yet, but there were such rave reviews over it at retreat, that I have made up the directions for the "Road To Camp Gravatt" top. I will put a completed pic of it on the page when the quilting and binding are done, but it is such a fun and easy quilt, I thought you'd like to get started in the mean time!

You will find the directions for "Road To Camp Gravatt" here

Always In Stitches - - -


Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh how fun - you keep me sooo inspired!

Brigitte said...

Great - another excellent fast and efficient sewing receipt.
Thank you for sharing!

Elaine Adair said...

Woo hoo - more inspiration! Even as we speak, I am taking a picture of YOUR Chunky Churn Dashes for my blog. I barely need any quilt books - I just check into your site for more wonderful ideas.

Thanks, Bonnie, for all your patterns and inspiration!

Carole said...

Wow, how kind of you. I was checking out the pictures and noticed that you have a gadget on your machine to assist you with your angle sewing. what is that? I use The Angler and would love to have something less bulcky. Thanks.

Nettie said...

The wonky stars in the sashing really shake things up. I love the quilting on this one, too.

Henrietta said...

What pattern did you use to quilt it?

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Thank you, thank you!

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