
Friday, March 30, 2007

Home Again!

Nearly Dognapped! OH MY GOSH....I posted the other post because I was frantic.

While I was on the phone to 911 saying that my dog had been dognapped by a guy in a white van, a white van pulls up outside of my house, and there is my dog!

Turns out the guy in the white van is the father of Jeff's friend and he knew Sadie...saw her as he was running an errand to town, picked her up, took her with him, and brought her back. The whole thing was about 45 minutes of TERROR for me..but it turned out okay.

The invisible fence is going in TONIGHT!!

Bad Sadie the escape artist...giving her mama a heart attack!!



Sharon said...

Oh Bonnie I am SO happy for you!!!

Please note that invisible fences are only as good as the dog that is behind it. . .if there is something that Sadie wants & it is on the other side she will take the "hit" of electricity to get to it.

If you have gates perhaps you could put locks on them -- I have them on my gates since there are alot of kids that love my dog & I was afraid that they would just walk in to the yard & leave the gate open & Bogart would be gone.

I don't lock the gates, but keep them turned so that they look locked to the passerby. . gives me a 2nd level of security that the gate is locked & can't be opened by a "nosy" dog.

Tracey in CT said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so glad that this had a happy ending!!

YankeeQuilter said...

Bonnie I am so relieved that she is home safely. Macbeth never understood the electric fence...either that or he has a really short memory. He has also run straight at the fence here and broken through (6 stitches!) Like you I was frantic the entire time!

The quilt by you and Becky looks wonderful....what a nice setting. I can't believe how many fun ways of putting together string blocks folks are coming up with on the blogs!

Nancy said...

My cat, Tic, got out a few years ago and ran away. I never did find him and it just broke my heart! I'm so happy the same didn't happen with Sadie! And wasn't it lucky that Jeff's friend's Dad found her and kept her safe for you. (((HUGS))) to you and Sadie.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Sadie sure is keeping your life interesting!

Unknown said...

I think you should rechristen her Houdini!

Lisa said...

Bonnie how frightening for you. One of our dogs is a houdini and just seems to love the thrill of escaping. Once he is out he has no roadsense so it's a real nightmare. The other dog just wants to go and wade in the neighbours gold fish pond when he gets out :o)

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You know... this same exact thing happened to my daughter w/ her dog when she lived in Columbia, SC. Her dog went missing, a lady recognized the dog and picked her up ran errands and brought her back later in the day. My daughter was beside herself with fright and worry in the meantime. This was 7 years ago and it had a happy ending... but how weird is this cooincidence?

Tanya said...

Yes, when mine gets out and away I'm frantic always imaginging the worse. For all the love and attention we give this dog why does she run away? I can only pray she won't get hurt, is smart enough to find her way home when she's ready and in the meantime yell til I'm hoarse and run til I collapse! These lovable dogs!

Carole said...

Nice to read that there are kind people in this world. Glad that Sadie was safe. Happy quilting!

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