
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Four-patch & Furrows

I found myself yesterday afternoon pulling out a pile of double 4 patch blocks that had been sitting and aging for quite a long while! I just never had a clue how I really wanted to set them, and so they sat.

These double 4 patch blocks were all pieced with strips from the 2" scrap strip bin, lights and darks.

I finally decided to set them with alternating large 1/2 square triangle squares and give the quilt a "furrows" effect. At first I was thinking brown and pink, but the few sample blocks I stitched up just did NOTHING for the double 4 patch blocks. It was BLAH. So I went back to the cupboard and found this antiquey green that I've been wanting to use, but didn't know where it was going to go. It went really well with the antique dirty pink and I decided to give it a shot. The color is quite a bit off in the full shot, so I took a close up to give a better idea..it's not as blendy as it looks!

I still need borders, but it was fun how fast this went together...the hardest part was spending the evening sewing 1/2 square triangles together....all alike! Scrappy keeps me from being bored. Dealing with just two fabrics...is a challenge!



Joyce said...

Good choice on the triangle colors. It really sets off the four patches. I love it!

Katjaquilt said...

Oh, I like this quilt. It is realy beautiful. I'm afraid I won't find double four-patches in my cupboard :-)

Nancy said...

I really like this one. That's one of my favorite setting just never knew what to call it before.

Like you I hate doing the setting blocks. Sooooo boring but worth it in the end when you get a beautiful quilt like this from your efforts.

Gail said...

Wow! another great one from such simple beginnings. I REALLY have to start cutting into scrap sizes and doing the leader/ender so that someday I can find gems like this in my cupboard.

Tonya Ricucci said...

I love seeing both the close-up and further away shots. Lots to look at - another wonderful scrap quilt. Glad you had some time to play.

Doodlebug Gail said...

What a great scrap quilt and from such simple blocks as well. The colours combine well together - can't wait to see how you'll quilt it.

quiltpixie said...

great colour choice!

Carol said...

I just love it! Looks really old and wonderful!

Angie said...

Oooh Bonnie, I really really like this quilt! Lovely colors!

Tazzie said...

Hey there Bonnie
Another beautiful quilt. I'm consistently amazed by how you put together quilts that I really want to make! Thank you so much for sharing!

Judy said...

I think the colors suit each other well. Very old fashioned and antique-y looking. Nice!

Anonymous said...

Another stunner Bonnie - I love it! After Christmas I think I'll sew up some of my strips - the boxes are full now :-)

Lucy said...

OOOhhh Bonnie, I lOVE this one. I remember this blocks from you . Years ago. do you still remember what I did with them... hmmm now I love yours more :-)

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