
Monday, December 11, 2006

The Borders Win!

One consideration I had with this quilt was the SIZE...it was only 72X78...so not really long enough for a bed, even if all quilts don't need to be bed sized, I kind of wanted this one to be.

I took one of the comments, looking for a green that was a bit darker than the setting triangle green, but still had that same feel, and I found this one....it's a civil war repro. It does the job I think.

The inner border was a 1/2 yrd piece of a burgundy resist type repro in a funny shade of brownish burgundy, and it went really well with the colors in the center of the quilt but gave a break between the pink/green in the setting triangles in the center, and the final green border..I didn't want the inner border to be lost because it blended too much with either the green or the pink, and a neutral was TOO light...

Oh! the 4 patches in the corners of the outer border were leftovers from a project a couple years ago too..so it was fun to pull those 4 orphans out of the box and use them in the corners of the border...they look at home in this quilt!

So here we have it. I'm pleased. I want to machine quilt this quick, bind it and use it!


Patti said...

You choose very well. Those border fabrics coordinate beautifully with the pieced section. And how fun to use up those four little orphan blocks!

quiltpixie said...

the border works well. I love the inner border seperating the two greens.. :o)

Nancy said...

Another winner. The 4 patches are perfect in the corners. Glad you decided to go with a border even though most of us said don't worry about it. Now it's a useful size and one you can enjoy on your bed.

Joyce said...

Perfect borders. I agree that it's nice to have a quilt large enough for a bed. It looks great!

Tazzie said...

Your borders look just wonderful Bonnie, you certainly do have an eye for the perfect fabric. I have to confess that I do experience a little stash envy when it comes to your stash. I just don't have enough large pieces to actually grab a border out of mine.
I'm so looking forward to seeing what you do for quilting on it!
*huge hugs*

Angie said...

I think it turned out perfect! Beautiful quilt!

Lynn Dykstra said...

I love it when it comes together--sort of like a sculpter who removes what doesn't belong, we have to find what is supposed to be there.
It is a good look--I'm glad you added this.

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

That looks awesome!!! You did a really good job.

sewprimitive karen said...

Oh, that's pretty. I love the idea of using a darker green than what is in the inner section. Karen

Hedgehog said...

Looks great!!

Ms. Jan said...

Looks perfect as usual~

Cher said...

this top came out totally terrific Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

You picked two great colours/tones for the border! It looked good without borders too, but I like it with the border you chose as well. I love putting leftover blocks in the corners too :-) Will this one get fan-quilted?

Christine said...


quilt envy again.

a wonderful quilt, as usual

will this quilt end up as a pattern??

Tracey said...

I love it, Bonnie!! You have a wonderful eye for color. Make sure to show us some quilting pics too, please. :o)

Shelina said...

You chose the border very well for this beautiful quilt. It adds the perfect touch.

Carol said...

Looks fantastic...I thought I was going to like it with no border but I LOVE it with the border. The squares in the corners are great.

Judy said...

Well I missed the does it need a border or not discussion and I say you did a great job choosing! The border is perfect! I think the color works perfectly! Just the right shade of green!

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Yup. Ya got it right. As usual. It's a quilt just crying out to be snuggled under.

Heather said...

That is beautiful! You have made such lovely quilts, I tell everyone to check your site out, you are very inspiring for me :)

Unknown said...

The border colors you chose just make your quilt "pop!" It looks great!!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh this is my kind of quilt! I LOVE this one!

Karen said...

gorgeous! This could fit right in with my home and the kind of quilts I love piled on the beds! Glad you bordered it...it looks perfect!

bingo~bonnie said...

Bonnie, What a beautiful double 4 patch quilt!!! - I love reading your blog and about how you make use of all of your project leftovers! You are so creative in making beautiful things from scraps!

I remember last year some time you talked about a bag of scraps someone gave you and you made a quilt top using them....? I forget exactly what it was but would love to see your progress on that if you can remember what I am talking about. Sorry for the slacking description. ;) ~Bonnie Minor

bingo~bonnie said...

I did some rereading thru your archives and found what I was talking about - the bag from your friend Stephanie - Monday, March 13, 2006 you called it your Out Of The Bag!! quilt. Did you ever get boarders on it? I would love to see it :c) ~Bonnie Minor

Darcie said...

Very antique-like, Bonnie. Looks like you could have inherited it from a century's old estate. Very lovely! Very homey!

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