
Friday, August 18, 2006

Breakaway To The Beach for MS!

I feel bad that I have waited too long to post this message. Poor DH is
getting ready for his 150 mile ride for M.S. in just a couple weeks. He will be biking with thousands of other riders from Columbia SC, to Myrtle Beach SC, September 16th and 17th, 2006. He needs your pledges.


Almost every hour in the United States , an adult receives a medical diagnosis that will change their life forever. The diagnosis is multiple sclerosis. Every day, one-third of a million Americans face the incredible challenge of learning to live with an unpredictable and often devastating disease that may eventually rob them of significant physical and mental abilities, their livelihoods and their independence.

The progress, severity and specific symptoms of MS in any one person cannot yet be predicted.Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease of the central nervous system. Symptoms may be mild such as numbness in the limbs or severe--paralysis or loss of vision. Most people with MS are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50 but the unpredictable effects can be life-long. A person with MS does not know when it will strike, what symptoms they will have, when it will get worse or better, or if they will become permanently disabled. But there is one thing people with MS can count on . . . the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

To sponsor: Click here
For more information about this event: Click here
For more information about the National MS Society: Click here

For nearly 10 years I have provided quilt patterns on my website free of charge. If you find Quiltville to be beneficial to you as a quiltmaker, I ask that you please consider making a pledge to help the National Multiple Sclerosis Society fight MS as a way to say "Thanks!" for all you find here.

If you can spare even $10, please think of someone you know who is living with MS daily and all that they go through, and all that your donation can do to help. If you know someone with MS, PLEASE donate and forward this on to those who have family members with MS. Your continued support is necessary to help find a cure for this disease.

Thank you for your donation! Together we can make a difference!



Susan said...

Bonnie, I keep getting a Microsoft error when I click the donation button.

Susan said...

Okay, this morning it's working, but on the donate page, I don't see a place to designate this as a pledge for DH.

Patty said...

A good and nobel cause. What a nice thing for your husband to do.

Pam said...

Hi Bonnie

I have a friend that has just recently been diagnosed with MS and I am a nurse and I have seen the devestation of the disease. I have donated to your husbands ride -- (I think I also spelled the word diagnosed wrong in my note to him.) Ah well. I didn't have any trouble donating through the site you provided. I hope he reaches his goal.

I enjoy reading your blog and visiting your quilting page. Thank you for them both.

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